Maori provided for the european settlers
By the 1850's, 5-600 local Maori were feeding the new settlement of Auckland with kumara, potatoes, peaches, quinces and pigs. -
The land is illegally confiscated
In 1863 the land at Ihumatao is confiscated by the British out of punishment for local Maori supporting the Kingitanga movement. -
Ihumatao, the Parihaka
Pairhaka became the symbol of protest against the confiscation of Maori land after colonial troops invaded the settlemet arresting Te Whiti o Rongomai and Tohu Kakahi. -
Airport runway extended
Burial sites desecrated
Land designated as future urban space
The Environment Court rules all rural land west of Auckland Airport should be designated as future urban space. This ends a plan from the Manukau District Council era called the Mangere Gateway Heritage project that would have seen Ihumatao protected. -
Designated Special Housing Area
The Government and Auckland Council designate the land at Ihumatao a Special Housing Area. -
SOUL formed
Soul is formed in opposition to the move. -
Council upholds its decision of SHA16
Auckland Council upholds its decision to keep the site as a Special Housing Area, despite strenuous community support. -
Commemorating Parihaka day
About 100 people turned up at the land designated for a Special Hosuing Area to commemorate Parihaka day. -
SOUL address the UN Permanent Forum
SOUL members address the UN Permanent Forum of Indigenous Issues. -
Ihumatao protest incorporates Waikato invasion
Around 20 pponents held a protest in Mangatawhiri to remind NZ of what they say is the Crown's dupicity in historical land dealigns. For the past 3 days, they have been walking from Otahuhu in the north and are nearing the end of their 50km journey to Pokeno in the south. -
Auckland Special Housing Area
A maori rights group is off to Geneva to seek justice at the United Nations protest over Ihumatao. -
Maori not adequately consulted on Ihumatao
The United Nations relations committee says Maori were not adequately consulted about the development of the Ihumatao SHA near the Auckland Airport. -
Brining the fight for Ihumatao to K Road
A unique parade took place to honor Hape, the resourceful ancestor that Karangahaoe Road is named for - and to highlight the plight of his descendants.