La riots2

The LA Riots

  • Immigration Act of 1965 is passed

    Immigration Act of 1965 is passed
    This act "abolished the national origins quota system that had structured American immigration policy since the 1920s, replacing it with a preference system that focused on immigrants’ skills and family relationships with citizens or residents of the U.S.”
  • Beating of Rodney King

    Beating of Rodney King
    Video shot by amateur camera man George Holliday from the balcony of his Lake View Ter­race apart­ment shows what ap­pears to be a group of po­lice officers beat­ing a man with night­sticks and kick­ing him as other officers look on; the clip aired on KTLA.
  • First Day of Riots

    First Day of Riots
    Rioters beat and nearly kill truck driver Reginald Denny. Hundreds of arson and looting incidents begin. At the same intersection, just minutes after Denny was rescued, Fidel Lopez, a self-employed construction worker and Guatemalan immigrant, was pulled from his truck, robbed and beaten.
  • King's Trial Verdict Is In

    King's Trial Verdict Is In
    Four officers were acquitted of assault; three were acquitted of using excessive force.Verdicts are read and the riots begin.
  • Second Day of Riots

    Second Day of Riots
    Looting and fires reported across LA County. Korean community forms armed community teams in absence of police presence. A dusk-to-dawn curfew is imposed in large portions of the city of LA and its county. About 1,000 California National Guard troops are currently deployed "on the street," with more than 1000 more prepared to deploy and awaiting mission requests from law enforcement agencies.
  • Third Day of Riots

    Third Day of Riots
    Rodney King goes on television and famously asks, "Can we get along?" That night President Bush addresses the nation from the Oval Office and outlines the federal response to the riots.
  • Fourth Day of Riots

    Fourth Day of Riots
    Some 4,000 soldiers and Marines order crowds to disperse. LA begins to quiet down.
  • Fifth Day of Riots

    Fifth Day of Riots
    LA Mayor Tom Bradley announces the crisis is over. National Guardsmen shoot and kill a motorist who tried to run them over at a barrier.
  • Sixth Day of Riots

    Sixth Day of Riots
    Violence and crime breaks out sporadically. Schools, banks, and businesses reopen.