The Korean War

  • Korean war begins

    Korean war begins
  • American troops enter the war on South Korea's behalf.

    American troops enter the war on South Korea's behalf.
    The Americans entered the war because it was a war against the forces of international communism itself.
  • Battle of Osan

    American troops fight North Korean troops in Osan. Expecting an easy victory they experience defeat.
  • Period: to

    Pusan perimeter

    North Korean troops drover American and ROK forces to southeastern corner of South Korea and established a defensive position about the port of Pusan known as the Pusan perimeter.
  • Pyongyang

    American troops push their way into Pyongyang, the capital of North Korea.
  • China joins Korean War

    China joins Korean War
    China joins the war to fight with North Korea and the Soviet Union.
  • Attack on the border

    General MacArthor ordered the U.S. forces to the border between North Korea and northeast China to attack on November 24th, 1950. The attack was unsuccessful due to an 180,000 strong offense by the Chinese.
  • Peace talk

    Peace talk
    Neither side of the war was gaining ground so peace talk began. It takes two years to come to an agreement while the war dragged on
  • Possibly bombing China

    General MacArthor publicly disagreed with President Truman about whether or not to bomb China and was fired because of it. Truman believed that if they bombed China it would've started a much bigger war.
  • Period: to

    The battle of Heartbreak Ridge

    The American and French troops start a battle with North Korean and Chinese troops in a part of South Korea known as the punchbowl. U.S and France win the month long battle.
  • Peace agreement

    North and South Korea finally sign a peace agreement. Korea still remains divided but the two countries agree to create a neutral zone called the Demilitarized Zone to separate the countries.