The divide between the North and South
Who: The Soviets, Japan, America, North Korea, South Korea
What: The Japanese surrendered resulting in the temporary establishment of the border at the 38th Pavillion/ Parallel.
Where:38th Pavilion/Parallel,Korea
How:The Soviets occupied the North and the Americans occupied the south.
When: 1945 -
Period: to
The Korean War
The beginning of The Korean War
Who: North Korea, South Korea, Kim Il-Sung, Syngman Rhee When:June 25th, 1950.
How: about 75,000 North Korean soldiers crossed the 38th pavilion, which is the boundary between the North and South.
Where: Korea, 38th Pavilion
What: The first Military action of the Cold war -
China enters the war
Who:The Chinese and UN troops.
Where: 38th Pavillion/Parallel,Seoul.
What: General MacArthur provoking the Chinese despite President Truman being against it.
When: 11/4/1950
How: The General giving a speech, stating," There is no substitute for Victory." -
Negotiations at Panmunjom
Who: UN, North and South Korea
When:October 25th, 1951-7/27/53
What:peace talks were held in Kaesong and then transfered to Panmunjom.
Why: Panmunjom had signed a security agreement 3 days prior. How: peace talks were guided by a 5-item agenda, "1 being the agenda itself, 2 being the Military Demarcation Line and Demilitarized Zones, 3 was maintaining the Armistice, 4 was Arrangements Relating to Prisoners of War, and 5 Recommendations to the Governments Concerned on Each Side." -
Re-Established Division of Korea
Where:Panmunjom, Korea
What:The signing of an Armistice, which is a truce instead of a formal peace treaty. This truce put in place a 3 mile wide buffer zone between the states known as The Demilitarized Zone or DMZ
Who: over 1,000,000 Koreans and 54,000 Americans were killed in the conflict along with Prisoners of war.