Bandera corea del norte

The Korean conflict

By Andima
  • The war starts

    The war starts
  • Tension grow between North and South

    Tension grow between North and South
    in with a series of low level armed fights
  • Hard decision

    Hard decision
    North Korea try unsuccesfuly to assassinate the South Korean president.
  • Rare plan

    Rare plan
    US decides to stop helping South Korea.
  • Soviet Union

    Soviet Union
    The Soviet Union starts helping North Korea again.
  • North Korean Burial

    North Korean Burial
    The North Korean president die.
  • The peace is broken

    The peace is broken
    North Korea breaks the peace agreement signed when war finishes in 1953.
  • Meetings

    North Korean President and South Korean president talk again.
  • Little war

    Little war
    Some North and South Korean naval vessels start a gun battle in the yellow sea.
  • Sanctions

    The United Nations impose economic and commercial sanctions on North Korea.
  • Presidents

    Kim jong ills youngest sin Kim jong un is the leader of political and military posts.
  • New leader

    New leader
    Kim jon ill dies and Kim jong un becomes the leader and North continues with nuclear tests.
  • More meetings

    More meetings
    Kim jong un and US president (Donald Trump's) historic meeting in Singapore to end the tension after nuclear power.
  • Kim jong un

    Kim jong un
    Kim jong un becomes the first North Korean leader and he do a meeting with Jae in
  • The last meeting

    The last meeting
    North Korea doesn't accept nuclear armament.