Event 1
Todd and Manchee go to the swamp and hear the "hole" in the swamp -
event 2
The mayor and his son show up and demand to see todd, ben gives him a pre-packed rucksack and tells him to run -
event 3
a violent preacher from pressitown named aaron attacks todd because he saw the odd "hole" in his noise -
event 4
Todd escapes Aaron and finds the hole of noise again but finds a girl -
event 5
Aaron shows up again and captures viola but todd rescues her -
event 6
the girl shows him her crashed ship and her dead parents and tells him her name-Viola -
event 7
They wald to the town of Fatbraneh and notice the animostiy of the people when they hear where todds from -
event 8
Mayors son finds them and todd overpowers him but he cant kill -
event 9
todd kills the spackle and he greives -
event 10
viola is captured by Aaron -
event 11
Todd rescues viola but aaron kills manchee then he passes out -
event 12
Todd wakes up in Carbonel Downs -
event 13
They meet Ben on the road and he gives them a warning about the army -
event 14
Ben sacrifices himself to fight the mayors son so they can get ahead -
event 15
Viola and todd hear aaron coming and they stumble onto a cave under a waterfall that they run into -
event 16
Todd finally realizes what aaron wants him to do and what the men of prentisstown did -
event 17
He is prepared to kill him but viola beats him to it explainingh that she knows he cant kill and wanted to keep him pure -
event 18
viola is shot by davy prentiss