The Kite Runner Timeline

  • Baba and Amir have to leave

    The soviet union invades Afghanistan, so Baba and Amir have to flee and go to America. Hassan and Ali have already left, so now it is only Baba and Amir that have to run away.
  • Secret Communist Party Forms

    In 1965, a secret communist party forms, and the leaders are Babrak Karmal and Nur Mohammad Taraki.
  • Soraya and Amir get married

    There isn't a certain time for this, but this is a few years after Baba and Amir flee to the US. They are still pretty poor, but they start going to the Afghanistan market (in the US) and he meets Soraya. A few years later, they fall in love
  • King is Driven out

    Republic is created, led by Daoud Khan
  • Amir wins the kite tournament

    This event is important because it is later banned in the book, so this is special because Baba is actually proud of him for once (not that proud, but a little proud). This is a very competitive sport, so for a young child to win, it is a big deal.
  • Communism is created

    Daoud creates communism in Afghanistan, and next year, things go sideways. This challenges the government, which will lead to more threats in the future
  • Soviet Union Invades

    They invade Afghanistan
  • Russains invade Afghanistan

    This is when Amir is older, and he is looking back to how many people suffered. He sees what this country has become, and it makes him upset when he sees everything the Taliban/Russians have done.
  • Soviet Union Leaves

    They leave Afghanistan after 10 years of war
  • Has flashbacks on Amir and wants to find him

    This is in 2001, but he is having flashbacks when he is a younger child. This is a very important event because he is going to try to find Hassan, but so many things are revealed by Rahim Khan, a friend of his father. Some things that are revealed are that (he is Hassan's half brother, Hassan and his wife died to protect Baba's house, they had a child, and that Baba had an affair). Now he must find Sohrab (Hassan and his wife's son) to atone for sins, that happened in the past.