Hassan's Rape
This event represents the moment in which AMir chose to turn blantantly ignore reality and thus shaped his future self ; consumed in guilt.
THe image displays an crying child, almost as if trying to wash away the ugly pain. -
Amir's 13th Birthday
Even though Amir was in house surronded by many people, he was alone in his thoughts, secrets and inner feelings. It was an one in life time experience to put in an situation where didn't have any other chose but to play along. He learned to lie through the truth, betraying Hassan. -
Hassan and Ali leave
AMir is emmerssed in guilt for betraying Hassan and ruining years of friendship. Also fo r tearing away Ali from Baba. -
Amir and Baba come to San Francisco
This displays ever changing of Amirs enviroments and hows he had to adapt for example : an enviroment with servants; pampered ; an powerful baba(rich), then enviromemt of guilt when surronded by hassan and enviroment without any sevants to an depraving setting and then sudenly have to adapt to a life in an small apartment and baba working at gas station; mundane Baba. Infancy to adolescene to an adult transitions. -
Amir meets Soraya
the quote sometimes even a single day can chage the course of a lifetime" pg 142 It's one of the first time Amir express and emotion clearly that isn't guillt or shame, he's enchanted by soraya , this meeting is slowly repairing Amir into a better man.
the picture represent's his encounter with Soraya -
Hassan returns to Rahmin’s (Baba’s) house in Afghanistan
Hassan regardless of the shame and troubles hesuffered in Baba's house , this displays his loyalty to AMir, returiing and taking care of an house where the inhabitants no longer reside. Preserving Amirs and his memories, their childhood. Baba's house represents Hassans loyalty -
Baba Dies
This imapcts Amir to realize for once he's made Baba proud, by marrying soraya; little Amir's goal. -
Amir has first novel accepted
Amir starts to feel really good about his life. the picture is the everse of his 13th birthday celebration , he's surronded by good news
( happy) and togetther. The picture represent Amirs younger sel reaching up to his older self. -
Amir and Soraya begin trying to have a family
This shows the first conflict in his amazignlife and struggles of marriage life -
Sohrab is born
Sohrab is AMir's key of destiny ; somewhat the deliverance for Amir’s struggle with his past. -
Incident with Rahim Khan and Taliban at soccer game
This picture represents how Kabul has changed not only the landscape but morals and personas. But it also represent Amir reconcilating with his past. -
Amir gets phone call from Rahim Khan asking him to come to Pakistan-
Wake up call for Amir, an second chance to fix his past and unbury his guilt towards Hassan