Chapter 2: Intro to Hassan & Amir's backstory
In this chapter, we explore the inequalities between Amir and Hassan's lives (after all, they are friends not equals).This is due to the ethnic divide between Pashtuns and Hazaras. Pashtuns were Sunni Muslims and Hazaras were Shi'a. We learn about Hassan's mother, Sanaubar (and her reputation as sex is seen as demeaning) and that Hassan's first word was 'Amir'. They fed from the same breast and took their first steps on the same grass. Prolepsis, refering to the Winter of 1975. -
Chapter 3: The mythology of Baba!
In this chapter, Amir narrates childhood memories. However, his voice seems more childlike, as if he slipped back in time as Baba seems more bigger/greater than he is. Baba decided to bulid an orphanage, perhaps due to his guilt over Hassan? We begin to see Amir's insecurities towards Hassan in this chapter as he lies to Baba about Hassan being ill. Baba is cold to Amir, telling Rahim Khan that 'theres something missing'. Amir suffers due to his fathers sins. Baba doesn't trust the Mullahs. -
Chapter 4: Amir's subconcious prejudice
Ali, Hassan's father and Baba grew up as childhood playmates. Amir and Hassan's favourite Western film is called 'The Magnificent Seven' and Baba taught them the concept of voice dubbing. Amir would tease Hassan when reading to him for example, the word 'imbecile'. After recieving a positive note from Rahim Khan, Amir reads his story to Hassan! Hassan's support is unbeknownst however, he discovers a plot hole...To which Amir calls Hassan an 'illiterate hazara'...In his head. -
Chapter 5: A new chapter in Afghan history (literally&metaphorically)
The republic of Afghanistan was formed. Narration shifts from child Amir to grown-up Amir's perspective when he begins to explain Afghanistan's 'end' in 1978/9. Introduction to Assef, half German & half Afghan, he has blonde hair and blue eyes (Aryan?). He refers to Hassan as 'flat-nose' and calls Amir and him 'kunis' or 'fag' again, suggesting that sex = power. Assef admires Hitler, radicalised. Hassan refers to Assef by 'Agha', as if he sees him as higher and threatens him with his slingshot. -
Chapter 6: Snow is falling
Its winter. This chapter gives us context for the events in 7. Amir states that he 'loved' winter, not anymore? We are given context towards Assef and another one of his victims, an epileptic Ahmad. There is some foreshadowing of the Taliban takeover. Baba takes Amir and Hassan to the city's most famous kite maker. This shows how important kite flying is. Hassan is athletically superior to Amir, as if kite flying comes naturally (just like Baba). Hassans face change. He ran for the last time... -
Chapter 7: 'There's no monster'
The pivotal moment as all plot foreshadowing refers to this chapter. Hassan's lake dream, a possible metaphor from the author as Amir jumps into the lake, confronting his sins head on. 'The sky was a blameless blue'. AMIR & HASSAN WIN THE KITE FLYING COMP AFTER A RIGEROUS DAY! Hassan: 'For you, a thousand times over'. Where did Hassan go? Amir finds him in an alley way with Assef, Kamal and Wali. Hassan doesnt surrender his kite so just like Assef states, he gets revenge. Lamb of God symbolism. -
Chapter 8: Master/Servant relationship
Hassan continues to do his chores but goes back to sleep after. Ali asks Amir if something has happened but Amir snaps and re-assurts his authority over Ali (as if hes trying to hide something). Amir and Baba are going to Jalalabad, Baba asks if Hassan would like to come but Amir tells him that hes ill to which Baba becomes worried. Amir is still jealous. Baba invites another 2 dozen people. Amir, in the middle of the night, states what he saw...But no one heard. -
Chapter 9: The parallel between their relationship and the Afghan war
Amir throws all of his presents into a pile, except for Rahim Khan's notebook, the only present he doesnt see as 'bloody money'. Amir decides to 'lessen Hassan's suffering' that one of them has to go. He plants some money and the wristwatch Baba got him under Hassan's mattress, then he went and told Baba. Baba asked Hassan if he stole Amirs presents, to which he said 'yes' and Hassan never lies. Ali decides that they are living, no matter how much Baba begs. Pathetic fallacy = rain in the summer -
Chapter 8 CONT: Unlucky 13
Amir turned 13 in the summer of 1976 so Baba throws him a party! Assef arrvies, looming over his parents. He gives Amir a biography of Hitler. Amir leaves the party, throwing the book away, only to be met by Rahim Khan. Rahim tells Amir that when he was 18 he loved Homaira, a Hazara servants daughter. Once his family found out about them, she was sent to Hazarajat 'probably for the best'. Rahim gives Amir a leather-bound notebook, for his stories. Amir sees Hassan serving Assef and Wali... -
Chapter 10: Journey to Peshawar
5 years later, Amir and Baba are being smuggled out of the Russia-occupied Kabul to Pakistan, to safety? At the checkpoint in Mahipar, a Russian soldier states that his price for letting them pass is 'half an hour with the lady in the back of the truck'. Baba defends the woman stating that 'War doesn't negate decency' and stops the rape, unlike Amir. The Russian soldier threatens Baba and Amir has flashbacks to Hassan's rape 6 yrs ago. -
Chapter 10 CONT: Karma?
The woman and her husband are very thankful that Baba stepped in and helped. Karim tells them that his brother, Toor cant take them to Peshawar as his truck is broken. Baba violently chokes Karim as he didnt tell them sooner. They are sent into a smelly dank basement where others have been waiting. Once Amir's eyes adjusted, he sees kamal (One of assef's friends). Kamal was raped by Russian soldiers and looked completely different. Now in a fuel tank, Kamal dies and his father shoots himself. -
Chapter 11: Adjusting to life in America
Now in Fremont, Baba is in support of Ronald Reagan. Baba wrote a check in Mr Nguyen's store and he had asked to see ID so Baba got angry. Baba's appearance has changed, he is more tired and smells of the gas station where he works. Baba doesn't use the food stamps he is given as he doesnt appreciate free money. Amir graduates High School at age 20. Baba gifts him a Ford. In 1984, Amir meets Soraya Taheri at the San Jose Flea Market. She has no suitors. 'My swap Meet Princess'. -
Chapter 12: The starless night tormented lovers kept vigil - yelda
Amir begins talking to Soraya about what book shes reading, Wuthering heights. We learn that Soraya has a history, she ran away with an Afghan man for a month in Virginia. Male privilege is a huge point in this chapter as women shame the family easier. Soraya wants to be a teacher. Baba needs a CAT scan. They get a new Doctor as Dr Schneider has 'Roussi' ancestry. Amir asks Baba to ask General Taheri for Soraya's hand in marrige, he accepts. Amir envies Soraya as he couldnt tell her his secret. -
Chapter 13: Amir becomes a man
Soraya and Amir get married, forgo certain parts of the wedding tradition as Baba doesnt have long to live. Baba payed for the wedding, spending $35,000. Soraya moved into Babas apartment and dedicated herself to looking after Baba. Baba said he felt no pain, fell asleep. Never woke up. The funeral was at a mosque in Hayward. General buys Amir a typewritter. Relatives mocked Soraya, saying her cousin was lucky to not marry her. Amirs book was released in 1989. Soraya has unexplained infertility. -
Chapter 1: Rahim Khan's phone call
Huge narritive gaps here as we are told about the winter of 1975 yet we don't know what exactly happened, this builds suspense. The rape is foreshadowed a lot in this chapter. Rahim Khan doesn't judge Amir for his past mistakes but tells him that he needs to return to Pakistan, for redemption. -
Chapter 14: There is a way to be good again.
Amir puts the phone down, Rahim Khan is sick so he wants Amir to visit him. Amir drives to Golden Gate park and sees two kites flying. Amir knows thast Rahim was aware of Assef and the watch. 2 years ago, the General broke his right hip. Soraya and Amirs relationship is still okay, however they are older now. Amir dreamed of Hasson running and saying 'for you, a. thousand times over'. A week later, Amir got on a Pakistani International Airlines flight, resting his head on the window. Waiting.