
The Kite Runner

By AC0449
  • First words

    First words
    The picture above shows Amir and Hassan as kids, who when they were younger were nursed by the same woman, and grew up with the same family. When they both spoke their first words, Amir's was Baba, and Hassan's was Amir. From the beginning, this showed Amir's loyalty to his father and Hassan's loyalty to Amir. It also forshadowed the fact that Amir would one day betray Hassan.
  • Kite running

    Kite running
    The picture above shows Amir and Hassan working together to fly a kite in the kite running race. This was the first time that Amir had ever won the kite running race with first place, making his Baba proud, which he always wanted to do. This was also the night that Amir betrayed Hassan leaving him to get hurt by Asseff in the alley way. Amir let it happen because all he cared about was the saftey of the blue kite Hassan had caught to make Baba proud.
  • Hassan's departure

    Hassan's departure
    After the incident in the alley way, Hassan and Amir began to grow apart, and all Amir wanted to do was get rid of him. Amir believed Hassan was the "lamb" he needed to sacrifice in order to earn Baba's love. So after Amir's 13th birthday he got the watch Baba had given him and a wad of cash, planted it under Hassan's matress and framed them for it. Baba had forgiven him but Ali and Hassan already chose to leave.
  • Meeting Soraya

    Meeting Soraya
    A few years after Hassan and Ali left Kabul, Baba and Amir headed for America moving to Fremont, California. This is when Amir meets Soraya and instantly has a crush on her, he liked talking to her alone when her father wasn't around which wasn't along the Afghanistan tradition. Though everything turns out good for Amir and he ends up marrying Soraya.
  • Call from Rahim Khan

    Call from Rahim Khan
    After living years in America and the death of Baba, Amir hasn't heard much from Afghanistan. One day he recieved a call from Rahim Khan who told him he wanted to see him again, and that there was a way to be good again. The picture above shows Rahim Khan and Amir on Amir's 13th birthday, years ago.
  • Heading back

    Heading back
    Once Rahim Khan tells him that there is a way to be good again he goes and flies back to Afghanistan. Once he arrives he finds out that Rahim Khan is dying, and he also finds out how Hassan has been, and finding out he is now dead. Rahim Khan sent him to find Hassan's son who was now an orphan, and to bring him back.Amir also finds out that Hassan is really his brother.
  • The donation

    The donation
    During the search for Sohrab, Hassan's son, Amir meets many people along the way. The man who gives him a ride doesn't believe that Amir is a true Afghan since he left his country, but Amir proves him wrong. Amir also leaves a wad of cash under the matress of the home of a family they stopped by, who he heard said he was given the childrens food.
  • Reunion with

    Reunion with
    Amir is told where Sohrab is after visiting the orphanage, so he goes to meet with men of the Taliban to ask for him. It turns out the the Talib who has him is Asseff, they end up in a fight Amir finally feeling healed, and Sohrab saved him by using his slingshot on Asseff. The picture is Asseff.
  • Getting Sohrab

    Getting Sohrab
    Amir finally has Sohrab and wants to adopt him now, but it isn't easy since there is so proof that he is an orphan. Sohrab thinks that Amir will send him back to an orphnage and tries to commit suicide. Amir found him and ran taking him to the hospital. The picture is Sohrab.
  • Home

    Amir and Soraya found a way to bring Sohrab to America and they do after he is finally let out of the hospital.Although, Sohrab is depressed now and it's hard to get him to talk. Soraya hasn't heard his voice and Amir is forgetting it. Though one day, on Afghan new years Amir flies a kite and attempts to get Sohrab to fly it with him getting a smile from Sohrab at the end.