The Kite Runner and the History of Afghanistan

  • Zahir Shah becomes King

    Zahir Shah becomes King
    The new king brings stability to the country for the next 40 years
  • The United States formally recognizes Afghanistan

    The United States formally recognizes Afghanistan
    In 1934 the powerful country, the United States of America, formally recognizes Afghanistan.
  • Women are allowed to attend University

    Women are allowed to attend University
    As part of Daoud's reforms, women are allowed to attend university and enter the workforce
  • Hassan destroys his friendship with Amir

    Hassan destroys his friendship with Amir
    In the Novel Hassan, a rich boy in Afghanistan attacks his childhood friend that is also his servant. "What would you do if I hit you with this?' I said tossing the fruit up and down"(92). which shortly resulted in Hassan being pelted by overripe pomegranates.
  • Amir graduates from highschool

    Amir graduates from highschool
    "that summer of 1983, I graduated from high school at the age of twenty, by far the oldest senior tossing his mortarboard on the football field that day"(131).
  • Baba shows off Amirs Writing talents

    Baba shows off Amirs Writing talents
    Baba shows Soraya Amirs writings in his leather book and appreciates his sons talent
    "I can't believe you can write like this," Soraya said. Baba dragged his head off of the pillow. "I put her up to it. I hope you don't mind"(172).
  • Baba Dies of cancer

    Baba Dies of cancer
    "I know," I said, thinking of Baba, wishing he could have seen me"(183)
  • Amir & Soraya get married

    Amir & Soraya get married
    "And I remembered wondering if Hassan too had married. And if so, whose face he had seen in the mirror under the veil? Whose henna-painted hands had he held(171)?
  • The Majahadeen receives...

    The Majahadeen receives...
    arms from the United States, Britain & China via Pakistan
  • Afghan Army

    Afghan Army
    Afghan Army takes over all military and security operations from NATO forces