The Kite Runner

  • Amir's birth

    Amir's birth
    Amir is born in Winter.
    His mother dies during childbirth.
  • Hassan's birth

    Hassan's birth
    Hassan is born in Winter.
    A week after his birth, his mother leaves him and Ali.
  • The King is overthrown

    The government changes with a bloodless revolt.
  • The kite flying tournament

    The kite flying tournament
    Amir wins the kite flying contest.
    Hassan is raped by Assef in an alley.
  • Ali and Hassan's departure

    Ali and Hassan leave Baba's residence.
    They go to a next door village called Bamiyan.
  • Soviet Invasion

    Soviet Invasion
    The Soviets invade Afghanistan.
  • Amir and Baba's departure

    They flee Afghanistan and go to Pakistan.
  • Arrival in America

    Arrival in America
    Amir and Baba arrive in America and start their new life.
  • Ali's death

    Ali is killed in Afghanistan, in a land mine.
  • Amir and Soraya's marriage

    Amir and Soraya's marriage
  • Baba's death

    Baba's death
    Baba dies of lung cancer.
    Rahim Khan reconnects with Hassan and Farzana and asks them to move in with him.
    Farzana and Hassan's daughter is stillborn.
  • The Soviets departure

    The Soviets pull out of Afghanistan.
  • Sohrab's birth

    Sohrab is Hassan's son.
  • The taliban take over Afghanistan

    The taliban take over Afghanistan
    They take control of the capital, Kabul.
  • Rahim Khan's phone call

    Rahim Khan calls Amir.
    He asks him to come to Pakistan, he is sick and dying.
    He tells Amir he can still redeem himself.