The Kite Runner

  • Amir was born

    Amir was born
    Amir was born to a wealthy father with a servant hazzara couple. His mother died with complications at birth. He was born into comfort.
  • Hassan was born

    Hassan was born
    Hassasn was born on this day. It was also the time in which his mother left him and his father. He was born a Hazzara
  • Hassan gets his cleft lip corrected

    Hassan gets his cleft lip corrected
    Baba pays for Hassan's surgery as a birthday present. His lip was corrected, but left a small scar. He would never have to live emberassed again.
  • Amir wins kite competition

    Amir wins kite competition
    Kite Running Amir wins the kite competition and Baba is very proud. Hassan is determined to get the second place kite for Amir and runs after it. Hassan gets cornered and assulted in an alley while Amir watches and does nothing.
  • First Soviet troops arive

    First Soviet troops arive
    This is when Afghanistan first encounters soviet troops. The war begins. Kabul is in trouble.
  • Baba and Amir leave Kabul

    Baba and Amir leave Kabul
    They leave first in a bus that passes checkpoints. Here Amir finds one of the kids that aided Assef in the assult on Hassan. He dies and Amir gets to start his life in America.
  • Baba gets diagnosed with lung cancer

    Baba gets diagnosed with lung cancer
    Lung Cancer Information Baba is diagnosed with lung cancer due to all his smoking. He is only given a couple months to live becasue the cancer is very developed. He refuses chemo.
  • Amir gets married

    Amir gets married
    Amir is married to Sohraya. They have a nice ceremony and even Baba is able to attend. It took much work to get her father's blessing.
  • Taliban take control

    Taliban take control
    The Taliban put forth strict regulations for everyone. Fear and violence is used to keep citizens in line. They showed no mercy and were ruthless.
  • Rahim Khan asks for a favor

    Rahim Khan asks for a favor
    Rahim khan is dying and tells Amir that there is a way for him to be good again. He tells him about Hassan's son and that he needs help. He also discovers that Hasssan is his half brother.
  • Sohrab attempts suicide

    Sohrab attempts suicide
    Sohrab was taken from the orphanage by Assef and assulted just like his father was. While Amir and Assef were fighting Sohrab saved Amir buy using his slingshot and hurting Assef. He was traumatized with everyrhing including the murder of his parents.
  • 9/11

    9/11 was a trajic day in which two planes crashed into the twin towers in New York. It was a terrorist attack led by Osama Bin Lada. He was later killed.
  • Amir takes Sohrab kite flying

    Amir takes Sohrab kite flying
    This is the perfect thing to lift Sohrab's spirits and bonding time for him and Amir. Amir is at a point in his life where he has finally forgiven himself and dosn't have to hide anymore secrets from anyone. He is finally at peace.