"The Kite Runner", Khaled Hosseini

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    Afghanistan Timeline

    In relation to the book "The Kite Runner", by Khaled Hosseini.
  • Hassan's Surgery

    Towards the beginning of the book, Hassan is always bullied for his cleft chin, therefore Baba decided for his birthday he would, “[summon]... Dr. Kumar from New Delhi. Dr. Kumar is a plastic surgeon'” (48). This is a monumental moment in the book because this face alteration will last forever and it is a part of him. He his being told that a part of his body needs to be changed because it's not perfect.
  • Amir Wins Kite Running Contest

    In shock after winning a kite tournament Amir yells, 'We won! We won!' [that's all he]... could say" (66). This quote is meaningful, for it represents how for the first time Amir will be able to prove himself to Baba. This also represents how for the first time he acknowledges Hassan's help.
  • Hassan Gets Raped By Assef

    As Amir is watching Hassan being raped, he decided to, "[run]... [he] ran because [he decides he is]... a coward" (79). This is one of the most important parts of the book because it is constantly referenced throughout the story and leads to the end of a friendship. As Amir watches his Amir and how timid and helpless of a person he really is.
  • Hassan and Ali Leave

    As a reaction to Hassan and Ali's departure, Amir, "saw Baba do something [he] had never seen him do before; He cried. It scared [him] a cilantro, seeing a grown man sob" (113). After leaving Baba and Amir it was clear that they felt as thought they were missing something in their life. From Baba's reaction its clear he is sad and disappointed in Amir or letting this happen.
  • Baba and Amir Leave

    After considering for some time Baba decided he,"... loved the idea of America. It was living in America that gave him an ulcer" (125). From this quote we can see how Baba enjoys the idea of moving to America which ends up being the plan for Baba and Amir. America became a good decision for Amir and Baba for they were able to save themselves from things to come.
  • Amir Graduates High School

    After being oldest in his class, in "... summer of 1983, [he finally] graduated from high school at the age of twenty" (131). It's clear that at his school Amir stood out for being the oldest in his class. Regardless he still graduated and now has the education he requires in life.
  • Amir Meets Soraya

    After meeting Soraya for the first time Amir makes small talk by asking if she, "Would you like to read one of [his] stories?" (147). This is important because without this small conversation it's possible Amir and Soraya would never been married. Lucky for Amir he is able to talk to her which leads into a relationship between them.
  • Amir Marries Soraya

    Soraya begins to tell Amir about her past, and he said, "Nothing you said changes anything. I was us to marry" (165). This event was relevant because it was a huge moment in Amir's life along with everyone who is close to Amir. There marriage also helped the story progress greatly and many decisions wouldn't have been made.
  • Amir goes to Hazarjat to find Hassan

    Amir describes how their were "... a lot of reasons why [he] went to Hazarajat to find Hassan in 1986. The biggest one, Allah forgive [him], was that [he] was lonely" (178). Amir going to Hazarjat was a huge event because it lead him to the relization of many new things. He was also given a perspective about how he is living verse how others are.
  • Baba Dies

    One night after having cancer in the morning, "He never woke up" (173). This was a huge part of the book because Baba was one of the most importation characters in the book. He gave inspiration to many people throughout the book including Amir.
  • Amir Writes His First Novel

    After much work and concentration Amir's first, "... novel was published the following year, 1989" (183). This event is significant because he has always had a passion for writing that everyone made fun of him for. Now he is able to show that his talent is worth something that can inspire others.
  • Sohrab is Born

    After Sorhrab is born, Amir notices how, "[t]he resemblance [to Hassan] was breathtaking" (291). This is significant because it shows how Hassan, someone Amir feels mixed emotions about, is embodies in a person. Also, this may be his chance to feel atonement because he can protect him in a way that he couldn't protect Hassan.
  • Amir is Beat-Up by Assef

    After being badly beat Amir thinks about how his, “... body was broken—just how badly [he] wouldn’t find out until later—but [he] felt healed. Healed at last” (p. 289). Amir thinks this because he feels atonement that this beating should have been from when he would have stepped in and saved Hassan. From this he feels as though he should have been attacked like this before when if he saved Hassan
  • Amir Arrives With Sohrab in America

    Amir described how they, "... arrived home about seven months ago, on a warm day in August 2001. Soraya picked [them] up from the airport" (312). This is imporaint because now that Amir agreed to take care of Sorhrab it shows atonement. He is able to take care of Hassan's child which takes the basic steps for not looking out for Hassan at a young age.
  • Sohrab Smiles for the First Time

    Amir knowing this wasn't a lot coming from Sohrab but it was enough, "It was only a smile, nothing more" (371). Showing any signs from Sohrab was enough for Amir to feel hope. Dispite being small it was still a sign that gave Amir hope.