The kite runner

The Kite Runner

  • Amir's and Hassan's first words.

    Amir's and Hassan's first words.
    In the winter of 1960 Amir and Hassan were born. They were fed by the same breast and took their first steps on the same lawn. The only difference was that that Amir's first word is Baba and Hassan's first word was Amir.
  • Carving on the pomegranate tree

    Carving on the pomegranate tree
    "Amir and Hassan, the sultans of Kabul."
    One summer day Amir and Hassan had went to their usual spot at the pomegranate tree. Here in this tree Amir would read books to Hassan and just have a great time together. At one time Hassan just goes up to the tree and creates the honorable carving.
  • Kite fighting tournament

    Kite fighting tournament
    Kite fighting competion
    The highlight of every winter is the kite fighting competition. This is the one day the Russians don't have much controll over the Afgans. Hassan ran to go get the kite but Assef found Hassan and raped him at the end of an alley. Amir has been scared of that sight ever since.
  • Going to America

    Going to America
    During this trip Baba was a very brave man. At one of the checkpoints a drunk and high Russian official said that he would only let them pass the checkpoint if, he would rape the woman in the back of the truck sitting with her family. Baba had stood up for that lady and had risked his life for her but thankfully he was ok.
  • Marrying Soraya

    Marrying Soraya
    Afgan weddings
    Amir has liked Soraya for a very long time but during that time Baba has gotten sick with lung cancer. Baba did not want to die knowing that his son would grow old alone so, he went to General Tahiris home and asked for his blessing. A month or two Soraya and Amir were happily married.
  • Baba's death

    Baba's death
    During the fall of 1994 there was a lot of greaving because of Baba's death. Baba was a great and loyal man to all a true great samaritan. This news was very hard on Soraya and Amir because Baba lived with them and they took very good care of him. They miss and love him so much.
  • Rahim Khan's call

    Rahim Khan's call
    "There's a way to be good again."
    Amir had recived a rare phone call from Rahim Khan. Once, Amir had picked up the phone something was wrong. Amir knew that it was important and he had so see Rahim.
  • Coming back to Afganistan

    Coming back to Afganistan
    Amir has finally arrived at Afghanistan. His driver (Farid) and him had an argument relating Amir's honor to his nationality. when Amir had went to Rahim's house they had a long conversation. Amir had learned that Hassan was his half brother and has died. Also, Amir had then questioned Baba's loyalty and honor.
  • Meeting Assef

    Meeting Assef
    Amir was already fustrated and mad because he could not find the person who has Sorab. Amir and Farid went to the arena and they had a meeting with a high official which coinsidently it was Assef. Amir and Assef created an agreement that whoever won the fight would keep Sorab. The winner was unknown but Amir and Sorab ran out of his office and straight to the hospital.
  • Back in America

    Back in America
    how to fly a kite
    Amir and Sorab arived to America, when they finally saw Soraya, Amir told her that she finally looked like a mother. But, Sorab isnt felling all so well he begans to feel depressed and would not speak. A couple days after their arival Amir had relived his childhood, there was a kite fighting tournament. Amir and Sorab were able to enjoy a peice of their old home and Sorab felt much better.