Mar 19, 1309
Brett the Great Discovers Plot
Brett the Great and Marvelous discovers the plot for the to-be kingdom. -
Mar 21, 1309
Brett the Great Finishes Building the Castle
Brett the Great finishes building the castle, yes, in 2 days. -
Apr 2, 1309
Brett the Great Creates His Children
Using his magic, Brett the Great materializes some children out of thin air. Probably. Their names are:
and Matt. -
Apr 2, 1329
Karl, On His 20th Birthday, Goes Out to Advertise
Karl goes out on his 20th birthday to spread the world of his father's newly opened kingdom, since Brett the Great had kept it hidden from any onlookers. He advertised some newly opened village huts and cottages to all who would listen. -
Aug 16, 1340
Karl, Kyle, Kent and Kurt All Get Together and Rule the Kingdom Under Communism
All of Brett's "K" children join to create a complete dictatorship instead of one King at a time and turned all of their land into communist domain. -
Dec 14, 1343
Brett Freezes All His Children With a Spell and Never Leaves His Castle
Brett, ashamed of his children's misfortunate ways, decides to put them out for good. He freezes them, longterm of course, and stores his other child, Matt, deep inside the castle, frozen hypothetically in time. -
Jun 11, 1445
Brett Finds His "K" Sons, Slaughtered in His Front Lawn by a Mob Who Found His Freezing Chamber.
A mob is found outside of Brett the Great's castle doors holding the limp bodies of his "K" children. He claims he did not initiate that, but others speculate. -
Jul 27, 1498
Matt is Searched For, Is Found Alive, Hidden Somewhere He Was Not Before
Brett is worried that his other son, Matt, the only one left to improve his view on his sons, is dead. After years and years of searching, he is finally found, alive, safe, and still frozen in time. He keeps him frozen for a while, but keeps him under his floorboards in his room, located in the highest tower to prevent thieves. -
Oct 26, 1522
The Kingdom is Thriving and Majors Are Hired Into The Castle
People start to move into the kingdom, some with culinary successes, maid-services backgrounds, etc. (All were accepted from Craigslist using our VERY sub-par computers.) -
Carl, His Wife, and 110.000.000 Children Moved Into The Castle.
After Brett the Great hired a couple of cooks, all of them being Carl's children, and their whole family moved in. It took a whole year to do it, and Brett was not happy. -
Only 3 of Carl and Lindsay's Children Are Left, Many Are Confused, Except Brett...
Carl and Lindsay's children are gone, all but three. Brett knows what happened, since the food served had been strange until they only had 3 left. The rest are oblivious. -
Lizzy Comes into the Village and Starts the Tradition of an Election
Lizzy, a simple one with a leadership major, arrives in the village and suggests a system of voting for successors. She is a candidate, and since she invented it, she was the best at it. She won, and moves into the castle with earnest permission from Brett. -
Addison Finds Lizzy Frozen in the Cellar and Is Also Frozen
Addison, the nanny, is found screaming, running around, possibly contracting hysteria, and yelling about the future queen, dead, and Brett acted immediately, dragging him away and freezing him the cellar too, created a max security prison- size lock on the trapdoor, closing the door on the three inhabitants for a while. -
Brett Freezes Carl, Lindsay, and Two of Their Children
Brett, seeing the importance of their culonary success, froze Carl, Lindsay, and two of their three children, stuffing them in the cellar as well. The other child would have to do, but his lasagna was sub-par. -
"The Freeze" Commences
Brett freezes all the villagers, the castle occupants, all the land covered by the kingdom, and himself, setting the spell to unfreeze many, many long years, also hiding the identity of the land. This time is know as "The Great and Freezing Freeze" -
The Kingdom is Freed From Its Freeze
The whole kingdom unfreezes, including Brett, and the bustle is continued. (Matt, Lizzy, Carl, Lindsay and their kids are not unfrozen.) -
Matt, Lizzy Carl, and Lindsay are All Freed From the Freeze
Upon letting go of their freeze, Brett sent Lindsay and Carl to go work, and forced Matt and Lizzy into marriage, making them the "king and queen." Many were surprised. (Kind of.) [THEY DID NOT CONSENT] -
A Portal Opens on the Front Lawn, Blowing Away All the Flowers
As Tripp, Knight and local flower picker, was picking some flowers to put in his steed's mane, when a portal spun open and a mysterious entity, now known as "Ripldipdoo", stepped onto the castle grouds and immediately made himself at home. No one thought much of it, but the guard, Emmitt, kept close watch...