Holiday Camps
From the end of the war , through the 1950's the holiday camp industry thrived, this was because life for people had been incredibly hard and the public were in need of fun and entertainment. -
Package Holidays
By the late 1950's and 1960's, these cheap package holidays- which combined flights, transfers and accommodation- provided the first chance for most people in the United Kingdom to have an affordable travel abroad. -
The Tourism Act
The Tourism Act is the act of parliament to provide for the management, developement, marketing and regulation of sustainable tourism and tourism-related activities and services, and for connected purposes. -
The Transport Act 1980
The Transport act in 1980 licensed regulations affecting coach express routes and tours of over 30 miles. This led to to competition between National Bus and Private companies. -
The Transport Act 1985
In 1985 the Transport Act bought wholesale regulatiom, this meant that private comapnies could operate in any route. -
Centre Parcs
Centre Parcs was founded in July 1987 and the first village in the UK that opened was at Sherwood Forest, with the place offering short break holidays on a year round basis. -
The Package Travel Regulations
The main aim of this is to give poeple more protection and access to compensation when things go wrong with buying package holidays from tour operators. These regulations mean that tour operators can no longer claim that problems that happen within a packaged holiday are outside their control. -
Air Passenger Duty Act
A way of helping to reduce the growth of air travel and its environmental impacts, as well as generating extra tax revenue for the government.