Alarm, radio and CD player
I had my first alarm radio and CD player which I loved to play music on. -
These portable CD players wer great! Unless you jumped, hit a bump in the road, or tapped the player its self. While they were super sensitive, you could still hear and listen to your songs all you wanted -
The Radio
I loved to listen to music in the car through the radio. My mother would let me pic the radio stations, but my love of the radio truely came after I began to drive. -
Audio books
I had a hard time sitting still and reading a book, so for my book reports I would listen to audio books that were still on Ceasette tapes -
The Hit Clip
This little portable music player only played one song per clip in, and it wasn't even the full song. You placed the one pear bud into your ear andyou listend to the short excerpt. The clip ins had a string and a hook that you could easily hook onto a band with the rest of the ones that you had collected. -
Youtube Music Videos
Starting in 9th grade I really started to get into watching music videos and videos made to music from my favorite shows -
iPod Shuffle
I got my first iPod, it could hold quite a bit of songs, and you could put it on suffle or just streme through. But thelack of a screan made it very hard to listen to a specific song. -
Pandora radio
I fell in love with this music streaming website and now I use the app every day. You can create your own radio station and tell it what songs you like and what songs you do not like. -
iPod touch 3rd gen
I got my first iPod touch referbished through Amazon after saving the money up for it through my new job. -
iPhone 5c
I baught my first iPhone, while it is a phone, it also became my primary music player as well.