
The Jazz Age, 1920-1929

  • Garvey founds Universal Negro Improvement Association

    Garvey founds Universal Negro Improvement Association
    Garvey supported a movement to help African-Americans start their own country in Africa/help African-Americans start businesses.
  • Bolshevik Revolution in Russia

    Bolshevik Revolution in Russia
    Russian Communist revolution succeeded; caused fear in America that capitalism might be overthrown.
  • Red Scare

    "Reds", or Communists were hunted by the government. J. Edgar Hoover and Palmer were involved in the arrests.
  • Anarchist Bombings

    New York City, Seattle, and others were bombed.
  • Riots!

    Riots caused by a group of whites stoning an African-American in Lake Michigan. Fighting between A-A's and whites-38 died and 500 injured.
  • Steelworker Strike

    350,000 steelworkers go on strike demanding higher wages and eight hour day. It ended in a riot-18 died in Gary, Indiana.
  • Boston Police Officers' Strike

    When Boston police officers went on strike hoping to get a union; they were fired by Massachusetts governor Calvin Coolidge.
  • 1920 Election

    Harding won presidency, Coolidge won vice presidency. They were Republicans. First time women could vote.
  • Sacco and Vanzetti Found Guilty

    Sacco and Vanzetti Found Guilty
    Two Italian anarchists found guilty of murder and sentenced to death.
  • Teapot Dome Scandal

    One of the people hired by Harding (in his Cabinet) leased land in Wyoming in exchange for a bribe-greatly stressed Mr. Harding. Harding would have a heart attack.
  • Coolidge Becomes President

    Calvin Coolidge is sworn in as president by his father.
  • Kellogg-Briand Pact

    The US and 14 countries outlaw war.
  • 1924 Election

    Coolidge is elected president. Robert La Follette ran as a third party candidate (Progressive). Some women even won governorships.