Operation Husky
The Canadians and British invaded Sicily at Pachino. This sea invasion was part of the largest sea invasion in history. -
The Invasion of Sicily
On this day, thousands of Canadians landed on the beaches of Sicily. The Allies confront tough mountainous terrain and extreme heat.By the end, Canadians had suffered more than 1300 causualties of which 600 were fatal. -
Assult on the Mainland
A coup overthrew Italy's dictator, Benito Mussolini. Italy then surrendered unconditionally to the Allies. -
Another Invasion
The Allies invaded the Italian mainland from Sicily. -
The Attack at Moro River
The first impact was of sound, gigantic and preposterous sound. One was shuttled from warm sunlight into the roaring darkness of an endless tunnel. -
The Attack of San Leonardo
48th Highlanders attack the west of San Leonardo while the Royal Canadian Regt. attacks from a different direction in hopes of surpassing the village.The Germans did not give up easily, however San Leonardo was in the hands of Canada. -
The Fight For The Gully
With tanks, the Loyal Edmonton Regt. attacks towards a crossroads on the north side of The Gully, but is eventually driven back. The PPCLI, supported by tanks, seize Vino Ridge on the south side. The second attack to cross the ravine and take over Cider Crossroads failed. Also, an attack by the West Nova Scotia Regt. on the west end fails. -
Casa Berardi
The 48th Highlanders help establish a fragile salient in German defences near Casa Berardi. The position helps the Canadians to cut an important road between the Cider Crossroads and Villa Grande, situated to the northwest. -
Approaching Ortona
The Canadians are 2 miles away from Ortona. -
The Real Battle Begins
The battle begins ! -
The Loyal Edmonton Regt.Attacks Ortona
The Loyal Edmonton Regt.begins the attack on Ortona. The buildings and dust make finding the emeny very difficult. A smokescreen is used and men progress along a narrow ditch that gives them access to a house -
A New Technique
Candians have developed a technique to clear the town building by building of Gernan defenive fire. "Mouseholing" helped the soildiers to progress from house to house by basting small holes in the walls of adjoining buildings. -
Merry Christmas
Long rows of tables in Santa Maria di Costantinopoli are ready for the Seaforth Highlanders of Canada’s special dinner. Rifle company members are served soup, pork, mashed potatoes, pudding and pie. However, there is still war going on. -
The Germans Withdrew From Ortona
Leaving behind nearly 2400 Canadians that had been woulded or killed. -
The End of The Battle
The Germans begin to head north up the coastal road. The battle may be over, but Ortona lies in ruins. Hungry ,cold, weary residents slowly return to the streets. -
Rome Falls
Two days before D-Day, Rome fell to the Allies. -
The Accusation : The "D-Day Dodgers'
Canada contributed to the D-Day landing at Juno Beach in France. -
The Gothic Line
From August 25th to the 26th, Canadians, the British and the Poles attacked along the Gorhic Line.Within 2 days of fightingthey pressed the Germans back and then the Canadians drove in.In the next 2 days, they heavly fortified Gothic Line. -
Nazis Surrender
The Germans fought until May 2nd when their commanders in Italy surrendered