Period: 1501 to
Palestine prior to WW1
From the 16th Century to WW1, Palestine was under control of the Ottoman Empire. -
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The emergence of Zionism
The Zionist movement was founded in response to the worsening persecution of European Jews and out of the desire to join the community of modern nation-states that defined Europe. -
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World War 1
After WW1 the Ottoman Empire fell. The British and French carved up the Middle East and the British took control of the region; The British Mandate for Palestine. At first the British allowed Jewish immigration, but as more Jews arrived, settling into farming communes, tension between the Jews and Arabs grew. Both committed acts of violence. By the 1930s, the British began limiting Jewish immigration. In response, Jewish militias formed to fight both the local Arabs and to resist British rule. -
The McMahon - Hussein Correspondence
The McMahon- Hussein Correspondence of 1915 was a series of letters by the British, promising that, in return for supporting them in fighting the Ottoman Empire, After WW1, land previously held by the Turks, would be returned to the Arab nationals who lived in that land (including the palestinians). -
Skyes - Picot Agreement
After WW1, the lands that had belonged to the Ottoman Empire were divided between the French and the British to control. -
Balfour Declaration
The McMahon - Hussein agreement directly contradicted the Balfour Declaration 1917. In which Britain supported the creation of a Jewish state in the middle east. -
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The Holocaust
The Holocaust saw more Jews flee Europe for British Palestine. Violence between Arabs and Jews grew so the UN approved a plan to divide British Palestine into two separate states: The Jews (Israel), and the Arabs (Palestine). The plan was meant to end the violence. The Jews accepted the plan and declared independence, Arabs saw the UN plan as just more Europeans trying to steal their land. Many of the Arab states declared war on Israel in an effort to establish a unified Arab Palestine. -
United Nations partition plan
Many were sympathetic to the plight of the Jews, which led to increased international support for the Zionist cause. -
The state of Israel is established
David Ben-Gurion, the head of the Jewish Agency. declared 'the establishment of a Jewish state in Eretz-Israel' to be known as the estate of Israel. -
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Arab-Israeli war
The new state of Israel won the war but in the process they pushed way past their borders under the UN plan, taking the western half of Jerusalem and much of the land that was to have been part of Palestine as well as expelled huge numbers of Palestinians from their homes creating a massive refugee population whose descendants today number over 7 million. At the end of the war, Israel controlled all of the territories except for Gaza and the west bank. -
The six day war
Israel Fought a war with Egypt, Jordan, and Syria. Israel captured the Gaza Strip and the Sinai peninsula from Egypt, East Jerusalem and the West Bank from Jordan. This war lasted 6 days. -
The Israeli Occupation begins
Since the occupation began in 1967, Israelis have been establishing settlements in the West Bank and Gaza. -
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The first Intifada
Began in protest against Israeli extrajudicial killings, detentions, and house demolitions. In the first 13 months of the intifada, 332 Palestinians (53 under the age of 17) and 12 Israelis were killed. -
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Oslo Peace Process
The Oslo accord of 1993 was a historic turning point in Arab- Israeli relations. The Oslo accords created the Palestinian Authority in 1994, whose functions would be limited self-governance over parts of the west Bank and Gaza strip. -
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Second Intifada
The second Intifada started in September 2005 when the Israeli opposition leader, Ariel Sharon, made a visit to the temple mount, a move seen by Palestinians as highly provocative -
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The separation Barrier
Since 2002, Israel has been building a 700 km seperation wall around the west bank. It is claimed that the wall is built for security purposes. The wall severely restricts the travel of Palestinians to and from work both in the West Bank and in Israel. -
Withdrawal of settlements from the Gaza Strip
Israel withdrew all settlements from the Gaza Strip. It is considered to exist under Israeli occupation as:
-Israel maintains the full authority of the right to exit and enter from Gaza's territorial waters and over the extent of these waters.
- Israel exercises total control over Gaza airspace
- Israel controls the supply of essential products and services
- Israel collects the taxes owed to the Gaza autorities -
Period: to
Gaza War
The Gaza war was a 3-week armed conflict between Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and Israel. Casualties:
- Around 1,400 Palestinians killed, including an estimated 900 civilians of whom 244 were children.
- 13 Israelis were killed, of whom 3 were civilians. -
Israeli - Gaza Conflict
A seven - week Israeli military operation from July to August 2014 in the Gaza Strip. -
2018, ‘Israel’, Wikipedia, Viewed 21/09/2018 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRYZjOuUnlU
2016, ‘The Israel-Palestine conflict: a brief, simple history’ YouTube, 21/09/2018 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DAqpMtvfqB4
2018, ‘Documentary 2018 - War Between Israel and Palestine - The Gaza Conflict’, YouTube, 21/09/2018