
The Iron Made Timeline

  • Dec 27, 739

    The Conclave of Luna

    The Conclave takes place 5 years after the Institute. The Conclave happens once every ten years to commemorate and promote prominent rising stars and long standing officers. This Conclave was no exception. The students from the Mercurian institute rose fast and far after their defeat of the proctors all those years ago, many of them receiving their own command or highly sought after promotions during this event.
  • Period: Dec 29, 739 to Apr 29, 741

    Terran War

    During the promotions Selene au Falthe, matriarch of the second most powerful house on Terra, (Earth) voiced her displeasure at the favoritism bestowed upon the Grimmus and demanded that they either renounce their newfound titles or abdicate the ArchGovernorship of Terra, a notion that was quickly cut down. Selene would not stand for it, declaring war on house Grimmus and seizing Rome and its surrounding area while all eyes of the worlds were on Luna.
  • Jan 1, 740

    Battle of Rome

    Rome has been a head to head battle with the Storm Knight, Atlas au Rein (Storms Squire) and Wind Knight pushing hard into the city, having a good first day and causing a lot of casualties to Falthe. Atlas and Sarpedon took on Typhonius au Trachus and maiming him. Killian au Scythias and his Praetorians took and held the main beachhead during the first push of the assault, with Killians stained Killing Typhonius' Squire, before littering the low color slums with bombs.
  • Jan 1, 740

    The Fall of Iberia

    Portugal has been split into two armies marching upon Madrid and Galicia, each commanded by a Olympic Knight. Death and his troops marched onto Galicia with the Squires Aemelia au Fabius, Gallus au Prisca and Prospero au Anatoli-Vercingetorix in tow.
    Madrid is being commanded by the Polemarch of the Society ground Legions, the Fear Knight. He has sent his Squire Victoria au Saguntum into the city and she has successfully lowered the shields allowing the Gorgons to flood the city.
  • Feb 1, 740

    Battle of Madagascar

    The Grimmus forces and the Olympics with their Squires began an assault on Madagascar. Making landfall and establishing a beachhead before getting pinned in on both sides by shelling from the forest and the ships in the water. The Storm Squire came to the aid of the Grimmus forces, at the head of 10K Obsidian warriors harvested from the pole, and helped hold the Falthe forces off until a retreat was called. The Grimmus forces ceded the day to the Falthe.
  • Feb 10, 740

    Bellus's fall from grace

    Over Earth waged a battle of commanders, with Isaac au Falthe facing off against Bellus au Lune. Isaac dealt a devastating blow to the Grimmus forces by not only destroying their moonbreaker but also taking a good number of ships and damaging just as many before a retreat was called.
  • Feb 14, 740

    Twin Cities

    The Storm Squire and the Wind Knight were sent to the twin cities where the Storm Knight used Hadrianus' newest invention, the Wurms, to burrow beneath the city and falsely surrender the city. Once the troops were inside the Strom Squire slew their commander and activated the Wurms, chewing through the 10K men within the city.
  • Feb 25, 740

    Return to the Rift Base

    Upon the return of the Storm Squire to the Rift Base the Protean Knight was stripped of his rank and his position was offered up to the Squires and apprentices. After 3 rounds of duels Gallus au Prisca came out victorious and was given the Protean Knight cloak before being taken back to Luna with the other Squires and Apprentices to witness the indoctrination of him into the Olympic order. Niko au Veles was taken on by the Hearth Knight, but was dismissed and taken on by the Rage Knight.
  • May 1, 740

    The Peace Summit

    The ongoing war has not slowed in its death toll. Both sides suffering losses and taking ground at the expense of the other. A peace summit was called, though it was anything but that. Both sides intended to betray the other, wanting to end the war in a fell swoop, neither were successful though the Falthe dealt a devastating blow with the execution of Anteaus au Grimmus.
  • Oct 13, 740

    9 months after the start of War

    5 months post summit and the war does not look to be slowing, bigger battles having broken down into each house trying to gain ground from the other. Falthe is still determined to push Grimmus out of Europe, while Grimmus continues to use their foothold in Spain to launch attacks close to the Falthes ancestral home of Londonium.
  • Apr 29, 741

    End of the Terran Civil War

    The Falthes having launched an Iron Rain on Volubilis. Both Asterion and Selene died at the hand of Quintus au Valerii after detonating a bomb on his ship, killing himself. ArchGovernorship of Terra has been given to House Telemanus. Cecelia au Lune has pardoned those who fought with the Falthes, with a condition. Terra has been slowly patched back together in the last six months under the guidance of the Telemanus, though both house Falthe and Grimmus remain weakened.