The Iron Curtain

  • "Iron Curtain"

    "Iron Curtain"
    This was the first time recorded that Winston Churchill said the phrase "Iron Curtain". He stated that, " An iron curtain has drawn upon their front."
  • Soviets force communism

    Soviets force communism
    Soviets start to force communism. They forced a Romanian king into a communist leader.
  • Iron Curtain Speech

    Iron Curtain Speech
    The iron curtain speech was made by Winston Churchill.
  • Triumph of Communism

    Triumph of Communism
    Joseph Stalin said that communism will be a new way of government, and he was correct.
  • Anti-communists' arrested

    Anti-communists' arrested
    Anti-communist leaders were arrested and this meant that the communists would win the election.
  • The Marshall Plan

    The Marshall Plan
    The Marshall Plan is announced. The plan offered american aid to any country who is willing to participate.
  • Refusal of the King

    Refusal of the King
    Communists put effort on the abandonment of king Micheal. After, they declare it to be a peoples republic.
  • Czechoslovakia

    Czechoslovakia becomes dominated politically by another nation.
  • Iron Curtain is Breached

    Iron Curtain is Breached
    The Iron Curtain that divided Europe that was put into place to stop people from fleeing was breached
  • Ceasing to Exist

    Ceasing to Exist
    The Iron Curtain largely ceased to exist in 1990. It was because of the communists abandonment of one-party rule in eastern Europe.