Aftermath bombing attack real irish republican army august 15 1998

The Irish Conflict

  • End of the rebellions

    Cromwell puts an end to the revolt and confiscates lands for his own soldiers.
  • Battle of Boyne

    Battle of Boyne
    Orangists led by William of Orange defeat the Irish supporting the Catholic James II.
  • Emigration of the Irish

    Emigration of the Irish
    A famine forces the poor to emigrate to the US.
  • Home rule

    Irish patriots, called Fenians are now allowed into London Parliament, claim for the home rule.
  • IRB

    Creation of the Republican Brotherhood.
  • Easter Monday

    Easter Monday
    Fenians are repressed by the British in Dublin.
  • Sinn Fein party

    Sinn Fein party
    The survivors join the Sinn Fein party, an independence party.
  • IRA

    The survivors form the IRA.
  • Birth of Ireland

    The Irish Free State is established and becomes a British Dominion.
  • Civil War

    Civil War
    Fenians started a civil war led by de Valera: they they did not want to accept the compromise, signed by Collins, of Catholic counties and Northern counties, Ulster, in the Irish Free State. It ends with Collins's death.
  • Republic of Ireland

    Republic of Ireland
    The Irish Free State becomes the Republic of Ireland with a new constitution. For the most part they were Catholics, in the north they were Protestants.
  • Second World War

    During the Second World War, Ireland declared itself neutral
  • Northern Ireland riots

    Catholics in Northern Ireland start protest marches.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    13 people are killed. It is almost on the verge of a civil war.
  • Prison Maze Hunger strike

    IRA prisoners start hunger strikes.
  • Anglo-Irish Agreement

    Margaret Thatcher signs an Anglo-Irish agreement.
  • Good Friday Agreement

    Good Friday Agreement
    Or Belfast Agreement. RA stops using weapons and Ulster are recognized. Catholic and Protestant parties create cooperation: Northern Ireland Assembly. The Republic of Ireland must give up forming a united Ireland.