Major iranian oil fields 4


  • The Shah gains power in Iran.

    The Shah gains power in Iran.
    Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, also known as The Shah, gained power in Iran through a coup. Today he works to provide more rights for women. Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. LOOKLEX Encyclopaedia . Web. 5 May 2014.
  • Period: to

    The Iranian Nuclear Program

  • Iran begins a nuclear program.

    The US supports Iran's decison to make Nuclear fuel through a government program.
  • Ayatollah Khomeini is arrested.

    Ayatollah Khomeini is arrested.
    Ayatollah Khomeini protests the Shah's actions and strict Islamic ideas. He was arrested and exiled where he still denounced the Shah and US. Ayatollah Khomeini. Web.5May2014.
  • The Shah signs a NPT.

    The Shah signeds a Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, to try and keep from having the spread of nuclear weapons.
  • Conflict leads to the martial law.

    Conflicts between the Shah and political groups.
  • Students in Iran seize the US embassy.

    Students in Iran seize the US embassy.
    52 hostages were kept in Iran for 444 days. The US military failed to rescue them. They were finally released later on.
    Today, Iran and the United States still have bad relations. AFP/GETTY IMAGES . Iranian Students. Daily News. Web. 5 May 2014.
  • The Iraq invasion of Iran.

    Saddam Hussein invades Iran. This war continues until 1988.
  • The US trades War bonds with Iran.

    The US traded War bonds in exchange for hostages kept in Iran.
  • Iran supports Afghanistan in Anti-Taliban forces.

    Iran's supports Afghanistan in Anti- Taliban forces.
  • Iran election protests.

    Iran election protests.
    People living in Iran protest unfair elections. Protests in Iran. Middle East-Iran. Web. 6 May2014.
  • Iran gains nuclear weapon capabilities.

    Iran gains nuclear weapon capabilities.
    We learn of a possibility that Iran might have access to nuclear weapons. Iranian Shahab-3 ballistic missile. The Kremlin and NATO Ballistic Missile Defense. Web. 6 May2014.
  • September 11 attacks on the US.

    September 11 attacks on the US.
    The September 11th attacks on the US were condemned by Iran. This was a very tragic event for the United States. September 11th . 2001. World Affairs Council of Pittsburg. Web. 5 May 2014.
  • Iran election protests.

    Iran election protests.
    People living in Iran protest unfair elections. Protests in Iran. Middle East-Iran. Web. 6 May2014.
  • US invades Iraq and Afghanistan

    US invasions occur due to claims of Weapons of Mass Destruction.
  • Iran election protests.

    Iran election protests.
    People living in Iran protest unfair elections. Protests in Iran. Middle East-Iran. Web. 6 May2014.
  • The Arab Spring.

    Protests are occuring in Iran related to the Arab Spring.
  • US needs for oil located in Iran.

    US needs for oil located in Iran.
    The US needs oil located in Iran for use in everyday life.
    (See: I share with you my explanation of why need oil located in Iran) Major Iranian Oilfields. Iran. Web. 5 May 2014.
  • Israel security concerns.

    Israel security concerns.
    The US is worried about Israel's security. Israel. Operation World. Web. 6 May 2014.
  • I share with you what I have learned from my research.

    My research has informed me of many events causing the conflict between Iran and the US today. Now that I have learned of the events of this conflict that impact us, I realize the importance of peace between these countries.
  • I share with you solutions to these problems.

    Solutions to these problems are possibly an adjustment to foreign policy and risks taken toward peace.
  • I share with you my explanation for the need for oil in Iran.

    I share with you my explanation for the need for oil in Iran.
    Do you ever wonder why today’s gas prices are so high? The US needs oil to provide fuel for our country so we can make the energy we use in our lives. The reason it is so expensive is because of an oil embargo. The Middle East has some of the most oilfields in the world. It is important to know this because the embargo impacts how much oil we have access to! We need to make peace with Iran so gas prices don’t skyrocket. Avro, Sam. Annual Gas Prices 1919-2011. Energy Trends Insider. Web. 6 May 20