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The IRA (The Irish Republican Army) During Its First Few Decades of Survival

  • The Rising of 1916(aka The Easter Rising)

    The Rising of 1916(aka The Easter Rising)
    Rebel groups assemble in Dublin, and take the city by nighfall. Over the course of the next few days, there would be a bloody battle between the Irish rebells and the British.
  • End of the Rising

    End of the Rising
    Realizing how outnumbered they were, on April 30 the IRA surrendered after almost a week of bloody battles.
  • Introduction of Sinn Fein

    Introduction of Sinn Fein
    At first a violent movement created under the instruuction of Eamon de Valera. It was an irish republican party. It would become the leading group in the irish movement.
  • Deil Eireann

    Deil Eireann
    Aka the House of Common of the Parliament of Ireland, the governement helped form the War of Independence and the first Dividing of Ireland.
  • Executions of Irish Movement Executed

    Padraic Pearse, and James Connolly were two of fourteen Irish leaders in charge of the Easter Rising that were executed by firing squad.
  • The War of Independence

    The War of Independence
    It began when Irish officials met up in Dublin and declared independence from the British. The IRA fought the British in Guerrilla Warfare type style, It would end in 1920 with the Aglo-Irish Treaty.
  • Algo-Irish Army

    Algo-Irish Army
    Signed in London, the official name for the treaty was the Articles of Agreement for a Treaty Between Great Britain and Ireland.It signalled the end of the War of Independence, and would eventually lead to the division of Ireland.
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    irish Civil War

    After the treaty, a war between pro-treaty and anti-treaty supportes broke out.
  • Death of Michael Collins

    Death of Michael Collins
    A high profile, well-known Irish revolutionary leader, Collins was killed in an ambush in August 1922.
  • the Irish Free State

    Under the leadership of De Valera, Fianna Fail formed the Irish First State as their first government. It led to the release of republican prisoners and their organization would become unbanned. It would wind up ending in 193 when its citizens voted to replace the 1922 constitution.
  • Introduction of Fianna Fail

    A repbulican party founded by de Valera, it would come to lead other political parties.
  • Saor Éire

    A left-wing politcal organization developed by Irish communists in the IRA, was a council attended by both North Ireland and snf Free State delegates to make a new constitution.
  • 'Northern Campaign'

    A plan conceived for IRA members to launch attacks with North Ireland. It was the second republican campaign.
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    The Border Campaign

    The IRA started a campaign of guerrilla warfare against targets within North Ireland. it aimed to overthrow Britisn rule and regain power over North Ireland.