The invention of the TV

  • The era of electronics

    The era of electronics
    Scientist began working with electronis to life better. They knew very little about electricity and how it worked.
  • A picture is first transferred

    A picture is first transferred
    Abbe Caselli ( the Pantelegraph. It could transfer an image through wires, similar to the way it transfer sound.
  • The transfer of pictures to signals

    Two scientists named smith and may experimented with selenuim. it help figure out they could make pictures into signals to be sent over wires more easily,
  • George Carey thinks up the TV

    George dreamed of a machine that people would use in their homes to view moving pictures.
  • Invention of the photophone

    Invention of the photophone
    Alexander Bell and Thomas Edison came up with the Photophone. It could transfer sound, but they wanted for it to do the same with pictures at a higher quality.
  • The technology works!

    man named Paul Nipkow figured how to send multiple pictures through wires. He used a rotating disk to move the pictures
  • It was named television

    The first "television" was seen at the 1900 World Fair in Paris.
  • A new type of TV

    Scientist devaloped a new way to work the TV. It used somthing called cathode rays and vacuum tubes.