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The Invention of the Television

By Waddles
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    The Fax Machine

    Between 1843 and 1846 a Scottish inventor named Alexander Bain Presented the fax machine.
  • Electronic Signals

    Electronic Signals
    Willoughby Smith, a scientist, experimented with light and selenium, showing that we could convert it into electronic signals.
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    John Logie Baird

    John Logie Baird was born in 1888, and was a very influential person for the creation of the television. He applied for a patent for a television in 1923. He ran successful experiments for transmitting images in 1926. He began broadcasting in 1930 for the British Broadcasting cooperation.
  • Television Names

    The 1920's were the first days of TV so, there were many different names for it, such as Radiovision, Seeing by Wireless, Distant Electric Vision, and Telephonoscope.
  • The First Working Television

    The First Working Television
    On Sept. 7, 1927, the first successful television demonstration took place in San Francisco.
  • The New York World Fair

    The New York World Fair
    At the New York World's Fair, (1939), President Roosevelt became the first person on television, as he was giving a speech.
  • Baseball

    May 17, 1939, the first televised baseball game between Princeton and Columbia universities.
    The first baseball game was broadcasted on TV. The game was between Princeton and Columbia universities. May 17, 1939
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    Average TV Intake

    Before the 1990's, there were only a few U.S. homes with TV, but by the time the year rolled around, 98% of homes had at least on television set. Most TV's playing for more than seven hours a day!
  • Color

    In 1954 color television was introduced to consumers, but less than 1% of homes had them. In 1964, 98 percent of homes still had colorless television.
  • Modern Television

    In 1997, the first flat screen was invented. It weighed 40 pounds and was 3-inches thick. It was invented by a technology company called Fujitsu.