End cutting bone forceps
Used for extracting object in certain area's -
Amputation catlin
used in the civil war for cutting and dividing muscle from a paticular bone -
Bone hammer and chisel
Finally used in medical field for removing bits and fractures from bones. -
Bullet Forceps
Used for colleting bullets out of bullet wounds. -
Bistoury knives
A double eged knife used for cutting of diseaed limbs -
Gnawing bone forceps
Used for dismangling vains and arterys and taking out chiped bones. -
Medical chain saw
very first chain saw used in amuputations. -
Blade director
This tool was used for makeing straight lined cuts in surgery. -
Amputation saw
used for cutting off larger limbs such as arms and legs -
Amputation knife
long 6-8 inch blade used in civil war surgery -
metacarpel saw
Used for cutting longer, makes more nicer looking cuts in the body. -
Hey saw
Used for cutting small limbs in different angles