Jan 1, 1300
Settled in Greenland
The Inuits were thought to have setteled in Greenland arround this time. -
Jan 1, 1400
The Thule People Extinct
The Thule people thought to be wiped out by the Inuit people. -
Jan 1, 1550
The Little Ice Age Began
The Little Ice Age was thought to begin arround this time. -
The French Arrive in Iceland
The French Make a Settlement
The French make a settlement which later becomes Qubec city. -
The Russians Colonise
The Russians colonise Greenland, and bring small pox with them, killing many Inuit. -
The English Colonise
The English Colonise, with the objective of hunting whales for oil. -
World War Two Starts
In the last event of exploitation of the Inuit people, a number of outposts as well as air bases are made in Inuit teritory as part of Americas War effort.