The Interwar Years

By Riyadp
  • (+1) The Spanish Flu

    (+1) The Spanish Flu
    The Spanish Flu killed many Canadians, but caused great progress too. After the Spanish Flu, the government of Canada established a department of health, which was a significant positive impact of the Spanish Flu. If the Spanish Flu never caused so much suffering and death, the government would not have established the department of health to prevent further suffering.
    The Spanish Flu caused advancement in health, technology, and the quality of life of Canadians. This was an event of progress.
  • (-1) Winnipeg General Strike

    (-1) Winnipeg General Strike
    The Winnipeg General Strike had significant impacts across Canada. Workers had enough of low wages and minimal work safety. Workers united to go on strike against employers for worker's rights, but after Bloody Saturday. workers were forced to go back to work. union leaders were captured, and striking was no longer allowed.
    This was an event of decline for Canadians, as the right to go on strike was restricted after the Winnipeg General Strike, and Militarism was prevalent.
  • (+2) The Discovery of Insulin

    (+2) The Discovery of Insulin
    The discovery of insulin was a major event of progress for Canadians. A 'disease' known as diabetes that previously had no cure or medicine was now treatable with the discovery of insulin and its effects. Many lives were saved and those with diabetes could now live their lives longer and healthier.
    This was an event that caused significant progress for Canada, as it improved the quality of life for many Canadians.
  • (+2) The Person's Case

    (+2) The Person's Case
    The person's case fought for women to be recognized as persons. The acceptance of the person's case was an event of major progress for Canadians. Women being acknowledged legally as persons was a great improvement in women's rights and freedom, and led to women being legally equal with men.
  • (-2) The Stock Market Crash, The Greatest Decline of the Interwar Years.

    (-2) The Stock Market Crash, The Greatest Decline of the Interwar Years.
    Also known as Black Tuesday. This was an event that caused major decline for Canadians, and was the beginning of the Great Depression. Millions of dollars were lost, many Canadians were jobless, and people were starving and some even homeless.
    This was a significant decline for Canadians, as the quality of life plummeted for most.
  • (+1) The Canadian Broadcasting Company

    (+1) The Canadian Broadcasting Company
    The Canadian Broadcasting Company was established in 1936 to bring radios to everyone in Canada. This was an event of progress because the creation of the CBC allowed almost anyone to be able to keep up with Canadian weather, news, and political information.