internet was created
In the shadow of the USSR's launch of the Sputnik satellite, the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) was established to research and develop new technology for the United States military. -
ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency)
ARPA goes online in December. It connects four major U.S universities. Designed for research, education, and government organizations. -
Electronic mail is introduced
Electronic mail is introduced by Ray Tomlinson, a Cambridge, Mass., computer scientist. The "@" sign is created to distinguish sender's name and network name in email andress. This can be used to hurt people make fun of them or find information about a persona and use it against them. -
the word "internet' is used for the first time
More people were starting to use the internet and learning how to use it, some people could use it to harm others. -
Writer William Gibson coins the term “cyberspace.”
A virus called the Internet Worm temporarily shuts down about 10% of the world's Internet servers.
People start to take more care of their computers so they can prevent this. -
Tim Berners-Lee of CERN (European Laboratory for Particle Physics) develops a new technique for distributing information on the Internet. He calls it the World Wide Web. The Web is based on hypertext, which permits the user to connect from one document to
Some of this hyperlinks aren't always safe. -
Approximately 45 million people are using the Internet, with roughly 30 million of those in North America (United States and Canada), 9 million in Europe, and 6 million in Asia/Pacific (Australia, Japan, etc.). 43.2 million (44%) U.S. households own a per
People should be more careful because people can use the internet in bad ways to harm and make fun of others. -
Facebook was created
People use facebook to harass people. You can use the information on facebook to find out private things about people, and some people use the things they find out to harm others. -
Google was created
You can search people or certain things online, so now you have to be careful on what type of information you put on the internet. -
The word cyberbulling was created
Bill Belsey, a Canadian activist is believed to have ccreated the word cyberbullying. -
As of January, 58.5% of the U.S. population (164.14 million people) uses the Internet. Worldwide there are 544.2 million users.
Some people using the internet use it to harm others ot make fun of them, also they might use it in inappropriate ways. -
It's estimated that Internet users illegally download about 2.6 billion music files each month.
YouTube is launched
People post inapropriate things online, things that hurt or make fun of others in videos. -
Twitter is created
People can find out things about others and use this to harm them or make fun of them like facebook. -
92 million websites online
Some of this websites are bad and others can be used to harm people, but not all of them are for bad purposes. -
You can download music
Makes things easier and faster, but some people start to download music illegaly.