The World Wide We was released by Tim Berners-Lee, making the internet more popular -
Gopher was released, a popular, easy to use interface -
Mosaic came out, invented by Marc Andreessen but wasn't yet very popular. -
Gopher started charging licensing fees to use their website, causing the free to use, Mosaic, to become popular. -
Netscape Navigator
Netscape Navigator 0.9 (by Marc Andreessen) was produced, becoming the new, more popular, browser. -
1995 the growing population of internet users reached 16 million, and kept growing. -
Telecommunications Reform Act
The US government passed the Communications Decency Act (Telecommuncations Reform Act). -
Cyber Space Decleration of Independence
John Barlow wrote a persuasive essay on how the US government was taking away the freedom of the people with the Communications Decency Act, causing the law to be repealed -
Internet Explorer
Microsoft released Internet Explorer 3.0, which matched Netscape Navigator feature to feature, and eventually becoming more popular throughout the 90's and early 2000's -
Google Inc. was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin