
The Internet Gets A Start

  • Linux

    The LINUX operating system is born
  • WWW

    The www is born in 1991 and her creator was Tim Benners who currently directs the w3c.
    The invention marked a befor and after in the history of humanity
  • First Web Cam

    First Web Cam
    The first web cam started working at the University of Cambridge
  • Yahoo!

    The yahoo search engine created by Jerry Yang and David Filo was born, who sought financing from Silicon Valley companies
  • Amazon

    The electronic library founded by Jeff Bezos is born. It ends up being a large shopping center and the largest online store on the planet
  • La Internet Movie Database (IMDb)

    La Internet Movie Database (IMDb)
    It is an online database that stores information related to movies series and games

    The most used web search engine developed by Larry Page and Sergey Brin
  • MySpace

    It is a digital file exchange service between users
  • Wikipedia

    It is a free and free encyclopedia made by users from all over the world
  • iTunes

    Apple develops a music sales system, the first digital music store
  • Facebook

    First free social network that allows users to interact and share content through the internet. Created by Mark Zuckerberg
  • YouTube

    Most important company in the online video sector
  • Tuenti

    Tuenti is a social network founded in Spain
  • First iPhone

    First iPhone
    High-end smart phone Apple's first device released by Steve Jobs
  • Android

    Android is born, an operating system based on the linux core for mobile devices with touch screens
  • Navegador Chrome

    Navegador Chrome
    Google purpose to have a faster browser
  • Windows 7

    Windows 7
    New operating system with many advances and many improvements over the previous ones
  • WhatsApp

    Created by Jam koum and Brian Acton yahoo employees !. WhatsApp allows you to communicate anywhere in the world at zero cost
  • Instagram

    One of the most famous social networks in the world created by two young people
  • Windows 10

    Windows 10
    Latest version developed by microsoft