Internet explorer

The Internet

  • ARPA goes online

    ARPA goes online
    Picture FromAPRA (which stands for Advanced Research Projects Agency) goes online for only 4 univercitys, It was made incased an attack destroyed other ways of communications! Information From:
  • Email Starts!

    Email Starts!
    Ray Tomlinson creates Email! And the @
    Where I got the photo
    Where I got the information
  • Queen Elizabeth writes her first email!

    Queen Elizabeth writes her first email!
    The Queen writes her first email! She's the first country leader to do so!
    I got this information from:
  • The word Internet

    History of InternetThe word 'Internet' used for the first time
  • DNS!

    Domain Name System was created, for websites that finish with com or!
  • Internet Worm Virus

    Internet Worm Virus
    The Interenet Worm/Morris Worm was the first Virus to hit the Interenet, It disabled 10% of the worlds interenet servers! The code was written by Robert Tappan Morris
    The Picture
  • Google!

    Google was started by Larry Page and Sergey Brin
    The Website
  • Napster Invented

    Napster Invented
    Napster (a website which means you can swap music) is created by Shawn Fanning, John Fanning, and Sean Parker! Where I got the information and photo from
  • Facebook was launched

    Facebook was launched
    Facebook was launched by Mark Zuckerberg
    Facebooks History