The constitution

The Influencers of the Constitution

  • 1215

    Magna Carta

    Magna Carta
    This document was created by the English Baron's and the leaders of the church to limit the king's (King John) power. They forced him to sign the Magna Carta stating that he has to follow the law and couldn't do as he pleased. This is similar to the rule of law we use today.
  • The charter of the Virginia Company of London

    The charter of the Virginia Company of London
    The Virginian Company was a trading company that was chartered by King James I. These Charters permitted the Virginia company permission to establish a colony in North America. This was the beginning of North America as a whole.
  • House of Burgesess

    House of Burgesess
    The house of Burgesses was created by the Virginian Company to establish a type of government for the new colonies. The house of burgesses was the first type of elective government which paved the way for a democratic society like we have today.
  • Mayflower Compact

    Mayflower Compact
    The Mayflower compact stated that the colonist would remain loyal to the king but still establish their own laws, acts and constitutions for the colony. This is similar to a federal government because they still have to technically abide to the main power but they still have their own powers.
  • English Bill Of Rights

    English Bill Of Rights
    The English bill of Rights were a list of King James's "Misdeeds" and confirmed that William and Mary were the rightful rulers England. These documents helped limit the power of the monarchy and give more liberty to the people, like in todays government.
  • Albany plan

    Albany plan
    The Albany plan was created to form a unified government for the new colonies in North America. It was suggested by Benjamin Franklin and a delegate from Pennsylvania. This plan granted the power of the government to tax its colonist like the government taxes the citizens today to help pay for certain necessities.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    This was the parliament's first direct tax on the colonies in hopes to raise money for Great Britain. This specific act taxed things lie the newspapers, legal documents, the broads, playing cards and more. This lead to the idea of "taxation without representation" which then eventually giving the idea of us voting and having representatives voice the peoples opinion.
  • First Continental Congress

    First Continental Congress
    The first Continental Congress was held in Philadelphia, PA where 12 or the 13 delegates from the 13 colonies met to discuss America's future under Britain. They accomplished a plan to boycott the British goods unless they rescind the recent acts. This was one of the first official steps taken by the colonies to gain independence from Great Britain.
  • Second Continental Congress

    Second Continental Congress
    This Continental Congress was held after the American revolutions had already started. The purpose was to assume the functions of the government and eventually rise the Army through conscription.
  • The American Revolution

    The American Revolution
    The American Revolution lasted between 1754-1776. It was a battle between the 13 colonies and Great Britain. With the colonies victory, they were able to eventually gain complete freedom from Great Britain.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    This was a document where all 13 colonies agreed to declaration of independence from British Rule. This specific document made a way for freedom in the united states today by giving the new colonies complete freedom from Great Britain.
  • Virginia Declaration of rights

    Virginia Declaration of rights
    The Virginia Declaration of rights was written by George Mason in 1776.This document reached from both sides of the Atlantic. This document stated " all men are by nature equally free and independent and have certain inherited rights. This meaning everyone has equal rights and they can not be deprived from them. This is similar to the way the law and judicial system works today.
  • Articles of Confederation

    Articles of Confederation
    This document was an agreement between the 13 states that served as its first constitution. This agreement was a basic layout that lead to the constitution that the U.S. uses today.
  • Treaty of Alliance

    Treaty of Alliance
    This Treaty was signed by France and America declaring a military alliance against Great Britain. This one alliance helps pave the way for many other alliances to form throughout history and still today.
  • Constitutional Convention

    Constitutional Convention
    Originally known as the Philadelphia Convention, this convention was held between May and September of 1787 to discuss and address the problems of the weak central government at the time. As an conclusion, the new version of the constitution was signed by 38 out of 41 delegates.