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The Industrial Revolution
The Industrial Revolution Time spam -
The invention on the lightning rod
The lightening rod was actually discovered by Benjamin Franklin among a few other things like electricity, the Franklin stove and bifocal glasses. -
The invention of the flush toilet
If anyone can lay claim to the title, it is Alexander Cummings, a watchmaker in Bond Street, who was granted the first patent for a flush toilet in 1775. The popular toilets made by Crapper’s workshop in Chelsea . -
The invention of the Submarine
Turtle, one-man submarine, the first to be put to military use, built and designed by the American inventor David Bushnell in 1775 for use against British warships. -
The invention of the guillotine 1789
In January on the second day of the assembly debate about the penal code, Dr. Guillotine submitted a proposition in six articleswhich included a recommendation that death, without the accompaniment of torture and by means of decapitation, should become the sole and standard form of capital punishment in France -
Invention of the Gas Turbine
John Barber received the first patent for a basic turbine engine. His design was planned to use as a method of propelling the horseless carriage. The turbine was designed with a chain driven. -
The first skyscraper
The world’s first skyscraper was the Home Insurance Building in Chicago, erected in 1884-1885. The so-called “Father of the Skyscraper” towered all of 10 stories with its peak at 138 feet. -
the sewing machine
Elias Howe demonstrated his machine to the public. At 250 stitches a minute -
diesel engine
Rudolf Diesel invented the diesel engine. He made the engine to run on vegetable oil and in fact when he presented his engine at the World Exhibition in Paris in 1900, his engine was running on a fuel derived from peanut oil. -
Invention of the Air conditioner
With human comfort the last thing on his mind, a young mechanical engineer completes the schematic drawings for what will be the first successful air-conditioning system.