The inventor of the seeder was Jethro Tull, is a agricultural machine to sow and fertilize the land. They work by means of a mechanism of distribution plates that achieve that these seeds are introduced into their alveoli. When the plate turns and reaches the corresponding opening, the seeds that fall to the ground are released. -
Mercury thermometer
The inventor of the mercury thermometer was Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit in 1714, is a type of thermometer used to measure the temperature from a living being, a object or a place.
This type od thermometer have deep inside one chemical element called Mercury, this sustance expands in front of the heat to measure with precision the body temperature.
The invention of the thermometer of Mercury was a very well idea but they didn't have in to acount the toxicity of the Mercury. -
Diving Bell
The diving bell, was invented by Edmund Halley, the diving dell is a rigid camera used by divers to immerse in the depth of the ocean. Once time is in the surface the bell is acoplated to the decompression camera to move around the diving bell with total liberty.
The diving bell is used to transport the divings around the ocean, to discover animals in the profundity, how deep is the ocean, another type of plants, living beings or to pleasure himselfs. -
Lightning Rod
The lightning was invented by Benjamin Franklin, is an instrument whose objective is attract the lightning and then dicharge the charge in the land, to not cause harm to other people.
The lightning rod have the purpose of protect buildings or structures that can see damaged by the impact of a laightning, is located in the highest part of the edifice.
Is a invention created to protect the people and the structures, to control the electric energy and attract it to secure zones. -
Bifocal glasses
Bifocal glasses was invented by Benjamin Franklin, are corrective glasses that contain two different types of powers, they are used mostly for people with presbyopia and who also require correction for myopia or hyperopia. Bifocal glasses have correction for near and far vision, not for an intermediate point.
Overnight, visually impaired people could not only play an active role in everyday life, but also study longer and expand their knowledge. -
Hot-air balloon
Hol-air ballon was invented by the Mongolfier Brothers in 1783, a hot air balloon is a non-propelled hot air aircraft that uses the principle of Archimedean fluids to fly, understanding air as a fluid. The hot air balloon is a means of individual transport and for private use. Its function is to fly and take walks in the sky. It is a means of air transport, because it moves through the air. -
Vapour ship
Jhon Fitch was the inventor of the vapour ship, it is a ship powered by steam engines, currently in disuse, or steam turbines. It consists essentially of a steam boiler, a steam turbine or steam engine and a water-cooled condenser.
The main function of the steamship was the increase in efficiency thanks to the force of the steam engine to not only load more goods and passengers, but to transport them at a higher speed. -
Mechanical loom
The mechanical loom was invented by Edmund Cartwgirht, machine used to manufacture fabrics with yarn or other fibers. A fabric made with a loom is produced by weaving together two sets of threads arranged at right angles.
The mechanical loom was the result of the evolution of the manual loom, using a mechanical unit to connect and synchronize all the mechanisms. The first power looms had a collective power supply from hydraulic energy, later based on a vapour machine. -
Smallpox Vaccine
The inventor of Smallpox Vaccine was Edward Jenner, the smallpox vaccine contains live vaccinia virus, which is related to the smallpox virus and provides immunity against it. Injected subcutaneously into the thigh or arm, depending on age. Thanks to the smallpox vaccine, he has prevented the death of many people from the disease. -
The inventor of the lithograph was Aloys Senefelder, lithography is a printing procedure that consists of tracing a drawing, a text, or a photograph, on a limestone or a metal plate. For this type of printing, a polished limestone is used on which the image to be printed is drawn (inverted) with a fat, either with a pencil or brush.
I help society to be able to capture memories, stories or drawings that will last forever.