The Industrial Revolution -- Nikola Tesla - Jacob

  • Nikola Tesla born

    Nikola Tesla was born July 18, 1856 in Smiljan, Croatia.
  • Period: to

    Nikola Tesla

  • Induction Motor and AC

    Induction Motor and AC
    The Induction Motor was a motor that ran on an alternating current and did not require a commutator. A main advantage was that it did not need as much maintenance and did not spark as much without a commutator. Today, an induction motor is now used in modern fans and some factories.
  • Tesla Coil

    Tesla Coil
    Nikola Tesla invents the Tesla Coil. The Tesla Coil made significant advances in theories of how 'waves' work such as radio waves and he did use the Tesla Coil in an experiment to produce wireless electricity. There is not much of an advantage nor disadvantage to the Tesla Coil. Today, it is used in operations including waves such as x-ray or radio waves.
  • Wireless Power

    Wireless Power
    In multiple experiments which struck the decline of Nikola Tesla, he tried to create wireless electricity by using x-rays and radio waves to transfer electricity or through the ground; however, it never worked. In the end, construction of the Wardenclyffe Tower ended up bankrupting Nikola Tesla, especially after his defeat to send a transcontinental message.
  • Nikola Tesla Died

    Nikola Tesla died on this day alone in room 3327. His death was honored and he was cremated at Ardsley, New York, at the Ferniff Cemetery.