By Susie51
  • Mechanisation

    Before mechanisation, the textile industry was a handmade thing, workers decided when they were making clothes, so it was a low business. But with the arriving of mechanisation, it was easier and faster to make clothes with the machines.
  • Improved steam engine

    Improved steam engine
    In 1776, James Watt improved the steam engine already created by Thomas Newcomen. This machine was used to power locomotives, ships and machinery. It was one of the most helpfull machine during the industrial revolution and it had an enormous impact on the society.

    Even though the money earned helped to make new creation, new infrastructures, and new country houses, textile industry was entirely reliant on slavery, even if it was abolished in Great Britain in 1834, there was still 3 million enslaved africans that worked in this industry in 1860.
  • The health of the population

    The health of the population
    During this period, the health of the population was very poor. In the cities a lot of disease was spread and people had bad nutrition. In the country-side, the life expectancy was 10 years more than in cities. In 1850, the life expectancy was around 30-33 years old.
  • Titus Salt

    Titus Salt
    The alpaca cloth was created by Titus Salt (1803-1876), he was a rich man that owned mills before he created a city named after him “Saltaire”. He was conscious that working in factories was bad for health because of all the smoke so he created a boiler to cut pollution so his employees could be sane.
  • Bessemer process

    Bessemer process
    The bessemer was invented in 1855 by Henry Bessemer, it consisted of a cheaper and easier method to produce cast iron, it resulted to a mass producing steel process.