The Industrial Revolution

By Holl
  • William Lee invents the stocking frame

    William Lee invents the stocking frame
    William Lee invented the stocking frame, a mechanical knitting machine for knitting stockings. It played an important role in the early part of the Industrial Revolution
  • Coal into Coke

    Coal into Coke
    Abraham Darby discovers how to make coal from coke it become a more efficient fuel in the production of iron.
  • Steam engine to pump water

    Steam engine to pump water
    Thomas Newcomen builds a steam engine to pump water from coalminess
  • Flying Shuttle

    Flying Shuttle
    John Kay invents the flying shuttle, allowing weavers to make larger sections of fabric at greater speed, increasing demand for yarn.
  • Spinning Jenny

    Spinning Jenny
    James Hargreaves spinning jenny allows one worker to make eight times the previous amount of yarn.
  • Watt's Steam engine

    Watt's Steam engine
    James Watt creates an efficient steam engine.
  • Steam-powered mills

    Steam-powered mills
    Steam-powered mills with automatic weaving machines begin to be built
  • Coal Gas for lighting

    Coal Gas for lighting
    Inventor William Murdoch uses coal gas for house lighting
  • Cotton Gin (engine)

    Cotton Gin (engine)
    Eli Whitney invents the cotton Gin (engine), which can clean large quantities of raw cotton.
  • Luddites

    Riots begin, lasting until 1815, in which worker smash up factories and equipment because of the fear that machines would replace them.
  • mechanical energy to Electric motor

    mechanical energy to Electric motor
    Michael Faraday transforms electrical energy into . mechanical energy, creating the first electric motor
  • Build tunnel under Thames River

    Build tunnel under Thames River
    Isambard Brunel starts building a tunnel under the Thames River, Completing it in 1842
  • The worlds first screw-propelled steamship

    The worlds first screw-propelled steamship
    The worlds first screw-propelled steamship, "Archimedes" is build in Great Britain.
  • Bulk steel creation

    Bulk steel creation
    Bulk steel creation is made possible through the open-hearth process created by Siemens-Martin. The use of steel combined with reinforced concrete enables the construction of skyscrapers.
  • First transatlantic telegraph cable is laid.

    First transatlantic telegraph cable is laid.
    British ship Great Eastern succeeded in laying the first permanent telegraph line across the Atlantic Ocean.
  • Acoustic Telegraph

    Acoustic Telegraph
    Alexander Graham Bell patents his "acoustic telegraph" or telephone.
  • The first 10-storey skyscraper

    The first 10-storey skyscraper
    The first 10-storey skyscraper is built in Chicago and the longest suspension bridge at this time.
  • internal Combustion engine in the first "automobile"

     internal Combustion engine in the first "automobile"
    Karl benz uses an internal Combustion engine in the first "automobile"
  • The wright brothers carry out the first powered heavier-than-air-fight

    The wright brothers carry out the first powered heavier-than-air-fight
    the Wright brothers inaugurated the aerial age with their successful first flights of a heavier-than-air flying machine at Kitty Hawk
  • Produces the Ford Model T

    Produces the Ford Model T
    Henry Ford uses a production line to produce the Ford Model T
  • The Titanic

    The Titanic
    The world's largest passenger steamship hits an iceberg in the Atlantic Ocean and sicks 1517 people died.