The Industrial Revolution

By Mr V
  • Coal into Coke

    Coal into Coke
    Abraham Darby makes coal into coke - a more efficient fuel in the production of iron.
  • Spinning Jenny

    Spinning Jenny
    James Hargreaves' spinning jenny allows one worker to do the work of eight in spinning yarn.
  • Watt's steam engine [VIDEO]

    Watt's steam engine [VIDEO]
    Watt the?
    James Watt invents a more efficient steam engine.
    Watts' Steam Engine Significance:
    "The significance of the steam engine is that it was a way to turn heat into motion. With this ingenious device, we could now use fuel instead of wind, water or muscle power. In fact, the Newcomen engine was originally called a “fire engine”. " Source:
  • Luddites Riot

    Luddites Riot
    Smash! Bang! Crunch!
    Workers known as Luddites smash up factory equipment, fearing they will be replaced by machines.