
The Industrial Revolution

By Rovis
  • Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace
    By Abraham Darby
  • Steam engine

    Steam engine
    By Newcomen
  • New roads were built and old roads were repaired

  • First Industrial Revolution

  • Steam engine

    Steam engine
    By James Watt
  • Steam-powered vehicle

    Steam-powered vehicle
    By Cugnot
  • Period: to

    Numerous canals were constructed

  • The Wealth of Nations

    The Wealth of Nations
    By the Scotsman Adam Smith
  • Steamboat

    By d´Abbans
  • Steam-powered looms

    Steam-powered looms
  • Vaccine against smallpox

    By Edward Jenner
  • Aproximately 350,000 people worked in cotton spinning and weaving factories factories

  • Only 10% of the population lived in cities

  • Period: to

    Life expectancy at birth in Western Europe increased from 35 years to 50 years

  • Period: to

    Europe´s population doubled from around 200million inhabitants to just over 400 million

  • High pressure steam engine

    High pressure steam engine
    By Trevithick
  • Steamboat with wheels

    Steamboat with wheels
    By Fulton
  • The first voyage of the Clermont steamboat

    The first voyage of the Clermont steamboat
  • Steam-powered locomotive

    Steam-powered locomotive
    By Stephenson
  • The right of assembly was first granted in Great Britain

  • The Stockton-Darlington railway

    The Stockton-Darlington railway
  • Regular passenger line

    Regular passenger line
  • Period: to

    France Industrialisation

  • The Zollverein

    A customs union of several states
  • Communist Manifiesto

    Communist Manifiesto
    By Karl Marx
  • The steam plough

    The steam plough
    By Fowler
  • Petroleum

    The first oil wells were drilled
  • Credit Lyonnais

    Credit Lyonnais
    Became one of the largest banks in France
  • The first International Workingmen´s Association (IWA)

    By labour organisations
  • Period: to

    Meiji Period

    Emperor Meji ended feudalism and brought Japan into the Industrial Age
  • Second Industrial Revolution

  • The birth rate remained high

  • Most emigrants were British and northern European

  • The international economy grew rapidly

  • Period: to

    Many emigrants were Italian, Spanish, Greek and Turkish

  • Before German unification, industrialisation was slowed down

  • Socialist leaders founded the Socialist International

    To coordinate Marxist labour organisations
  • Steam ships definitively replaced sailing ships

    Steam ships definitively replaced sailing ships
  • The Wright brothers flew the first aeroplane with an engine

    The Wright brothers flew the first aeroplane with an engine