
The Industrial Revolution

  • Industry Spreads to Agriculture

    Industry Spreads to Agriculture
    British farmers expanded on agriculture experiments involving mixture of soil for the best conditions, Jethro Tull invented a new mechanical device called the seed drill which helped deposit seeds in a row.It created a base which people have built on top of to create a tower. Seed Drills are still used today in current agriculture jobs such as farmers. Modern seed drill evolved from the past to be what it is right now which is still useful in current society and helping in quantity and quality.
  • The land Enclosure Movement

    The land Enclosure Movement
    The land Enclosure movement was a period where wealthy land owners got the right to be able to consolidate small farms into theirs. Once taken, it would be restricted from the owners. The workers from the farms were left unable to work and have to go else where to support themselves. The enduring impact of this even is both positive and negative. The massive increase in agriculture was beneficial but not for the owners and workers whose farms got taken away as it created job losses for them.
  • Abraham Darby's Experiment

    Abraham Darby's Experiment
    Abraham Darby's experiment led him to be able to create better, stronger, and cheaper iron. In fact, the Darby family was the first one to create the first iron bridge. Abraham Darby's contribution is still being added today as he advanced it by himself and other people soon followed after. The enduring impact of this event is the advancement that allowed for better tools and materials that helped all over including the common people as they were able to afford it better as it was cheaper.
  • Key improvement made by James Watt

    Key improvement made by James Watt
    James Watt, a Scottish engineer, who improved the steam engine created my British inventor Thomas Newcomen. Within a few months, he had something to sell. James Watt lacked the money to produce it so he partnered up with a shrewd manufacture steam engines named Matthew Bolton .The enduring impact that this even was how much the engine was used to support future technology and the advances that it had. The doors it revealed that wasn't before and it's journey to become a key power source.
  • Electric Power Replaces Steam in the Industries

    Electric Power Replaces Steam in the Industries
    In the late 1800's, electricity replaced steam as a dominate power source. One of its use in industries was discovered by an English chemist named Michael Faraday when he made the first simple electric motor. It generates electricity as its main purpose. It is still used in the current day, although it is a more advanced model. It is used in everyday life and necessities. It has helped as a major power source used in homes,factories, and workplaces.
  • The writing of Karl Marx and Engels

    The writing of Karl Marx and Engels
    The writings of Karl Marx and Engels have shown viewpoints to the common people. They have both shown new points like the working conditions of the people in the working class or a unique view of social standing and how it worked. The enduring impact of these writings is the influence they had over people and their spread encouragement for people to find out about their view points also. They have branched out into other writings that are doing the same.
  • Steel Factories emerges

    Steel Factories emerges
    Steel is an important resource. Even now steel is used for things such as construction of roads, buildings, railroads, and many more. Yet we can dish out large amounts of it, how come. Who made that? American inventor and British engineer Bessemer independently developed a new process of turning iron into steel. In 1856, Bessemer patented the invention. Steel has helped in many areas such as transportation and business. It is a indispensable resource that has help shape buildings all around.
  • The Automobile age begins

    The Automobile age begins
    German inventor, Nikolaus Otto, invented a gasoline powered internal combustion engine. Then in 1886, Karl Benz received a patent for the first automobile, which had three wheels. A year later, the four wheeler automobile was made which was showed by Gottlieb Daimler. It spread around and is currently one of the biggest mode of transportation which most people cannot live without. It has helped with traveling, jobs, and many more. It also created jobs all around with new types being created.
  • Airplanes

    In 1903, the Wright brothers, Orville and Wilber Wright, created the first plane, although it only flew for a few seconds, it marked the start of a new age for transportation. New planes that evolved from the Wrights brothers plane followed on. New discoveries on the uses of planes were made such as transportation of people and goods were made. Airplanes have even made their uses known in war. Planes are still used as a transportation business over long distances. They create jobs like pilots.
  • Factory Acts

    Factory Acts
    Factory acts were a set of laws that grounded factory owners from abusing their powers and employees. They were set by the government to limit their power. An example is child labor laws. The enduring impact that this even had on history is how it improve the conditions for the working class and gave them some leeway. They finally had a win that affected them as a whole.