The Industrial Revolution

  • The creation of the spinning Jenny

    The creation of the spinning Jenny
    James Hargreaves created the spinning Jenny so workers could make eight times more yarn than usual. This sped up the creation process of clothes and fabrics so more could be made in a single day. So there was more getting sold in shops and more money for business owners.
  • James Watt develops the steam engine

    James Watt develops the steam engine
    For centuries, humans had known about the power of a steam engine but it was only 1775 that James Watt figured out how to make the steam engine more powerful and efficient. Soon, the steam engine was helping to power machines and huge factories.
  • The Luddites start smashing up equipment

    The Luddites start smashing up equipment
    The Luddites were afraid they would lose their jobs in protest they smashed up lots of equipment. They believed if they destroyed as many machines as they could, factory owners and businessmen would have to hire them to work. These were known as the swing riots and lasted until 1815.
  • The worlds first screw-propelled steamship was created

    The worlds first screw-propelled steamship was created
    The SS Archimedes was the first screw-propelled steamship and was built in Great Britain. The creation of this ship would change how Great Britain traveled by sea forever. It was more efficient and could sail faster than other ships at the time.
  • Creation of the Telephone

    Creation of the Telephone
    Alexander Graham Bell creates his "acoustic telegraph" better known as the Telephone. This machine could communicate with others who had the telephone from longer distances. This made sending important messages quicker and you wouldn't have to wait severel days for a small letter to be delivered.