The Indian River During the Classical Period

  • 1000 BCE

    Phoenicians leave their mark.

    Living along the coast of what is now known as Lebanon and Syria, the Phoenicians were immediately capable with navigating the waters. They specialized in glass and both imported and exported a number of goods such as wine, olive oil, spices, etc.
  • 1000 BCE


    The precious resource is discovered at the beginning of 1,000 BCE.
  • 1000 BCE

    Aryan Settlers find India.

  • 800 BCE

    Nubian Kingdom Founded

  • Period: 712 BCE to 660 BCE

    Nubia dominates Egypt

  • 609 BCE

    Pharaoh Necho of Egypt attempts to build a Canal.

    The canal was intended to connect the Nile River to the Red sea with hopes of improving communication and trading with Indian Ocean lands. Over 120,000 lives are estimated to have been lost and there were major concerns with whether the canal should be built or not. Egyptians were concerned the salt would contaminate the Nile. Hostile neighbors would have access to Egyptians also.
  • 600 BCE

    Trade Networks

    The Silk Road, the Saharan Trade, and the Indian Ocean Trade were developed from 600 BCE throughout 600 CE.
  • Period: 515 BCE to 510 BCE

    Scylax of Caryanda goes on a voyage.

    He voyages through the Indian ocean for King Darius of Persia. With completion of his voyage, he encourages trade and tells stories of other civilizations uniqueness.
  • 507 BCE

    The Roman Republic is established.

  • 500 BCE

    Camel Saddle ( Technology )

    The saddle for the troublesome humps of the camel have been made and passed through the Indian river, helping herders, etc that have issues with riding the Camel.
  • 500 BCE

    Persian Ruler Darius commands Greek and Roman sailors to establish themselves in trade.

  • 440 BCE

    Cinnamon in the History Books.

    Found in Histories of Herodotus where it's origin is discussed.
  • 275 BCE

    Egyptian port Berenike is established.

    Evidence shows Roman materials in the area, meaning trade between the two civilizations occurred. Egyptian king Ptolemy is responsible for the port. Cloth, beads, pottery, wood, spices, jewels were imported and exported.
  • 206 BCE

    Cloves enter trade

    Early writing from 206 BCE describes the luxurious item and that court officials kept cloves in their mouths so that their breath smelled sweet when speaking to their superiors.
  • 138 BCE

    Zhang Qian begins travel through what was known as the silk road.

    He sent off by Emperor Wudi to make contact with an ancient culture ...but he ended up doing so much more. After a number of setbacks, Qian continued west and encountered Indian and Greek cultures. 13 years later he made it back to the emperor and was set out on a second mission. He was to spread the chinese culture and technology.
  • 64 BCE

    Strabo The Geographer

    Born in 64 BCE, traveled along the Indian Ocean and visited many lands. He read and identified the uniqueness of all cultures with hopes of spreading the knowledge.
  • Period: 4 to 30

    Jesus of Nazareth

    Is born and crucified, inspiring the religion of Christianity.
  • Period: 356 to 323

    Alexander The Great

    At the age of 20, sets of to expand his kingdom. In doing so, he manages to mix a variety of cultures together under one command. He encouraged interracial marriage and is huge reason for diversity in the middle east at that time. He was killed by fever.