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The Inca Empire

  • 1425

    The Inca Empire begins

    The Inca Empire begins
    The Inca, lead by their leader Manco Capac, migrate to the Cuzco Valley and establish their capital at Cuzco.
  • 1450

    The Incas migrate to Machu Picchu

    The Incas migrate to Machu Picchu
    Pachacuti Inca Yupanqui founds Machu Picchu in the mountain tops of the Andes.
  • Period: 1493 to 1526

    The Advancement of the Inca Empire.

    Huayna Capac reigns as the leader of the Incan Empire and constructs fortresses, religious temples, and roads throughout the empire.
  • Period: 1526 to 1532

    The Incas have a civil war

    Civil war between the two Incan leaders Waskar and Atahualpa. Atahualpa defeats.
  • 1533

    The fall of the Incan civilization

    The fall of the Incan civilization
    Pizzaro takes control of the capital of the Incan empire, Cuzco.