The Immigration and Westward Movement of Marika Georgiadis

  • Leaving Greece

    Leaving Greece
    My husband and I just boarded the S.S Saratoga from a port in Athens headed to Boston. It will be a long two weeks before we reach land again. Thankfully we got upgraded to a mid class cabin in the middle of the ship: Better than steerage. We are so excited to start a new life.
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    Immigration and Westward Movement

  • Reaching America

    Reaching America
    After grueling weeks at sea, it was breathtaking to finally see the Staute of Liberty welcoming us to America. Luckily we pased through Ellis Island smoothly without stopping for detention or quarantine. I hope we can meet up with some other Greek immigrants to help us find a job. I hope the job oppurtunities will be plentiful unlike back at home.
  • Tenements, the Only Choice

    Tenements, the Only Choice
    Not what I expected! After a few weeks of living on the streets of Boston, we finally found a tiny room in a tenement. The overcrowded home smells, groans and leans. I hope it will stand up to the rest of winter we are out of money! We came here for land and space, not a cramped home.
  • Dangerous Sweatshops

    Dangerous Sweatshops
    My husband and I finally found a job in a sweatshop making garments for the richer people in town. Now we are so poor there is only enough food for half a meal a day! We are so hungry. Unfortunately we got kicked out after three weeks because I accidently spoke up about a break. They are so harsh. I knew I should have held my tongue! At least I didn’t get trapped in a burning factory like some of the other workers down the street.I hope we can survive in this new country!
  • Riding to the West

    Riding to the West
    After seeing a flyer about the Homestead Act, we are looking into participating in the race to get free land. No more crowded living spaces or hazardous jobs! After selling one of my last silver rings, we found enough money for two train tickets to Colorado. We are so ready to get out of the city, I think I prefered Greece over Boston.
  • Establishing Our New Home

    Establishing Our New Home
    Due to our remarkable horse we traded for some fabric, we obtained land in the race! We finally have a pleasing reason for coming to America. We have gathered with some neighbors to help build our houses. With the help of some sod and soil I hope our house will keep us warm and dry through harsh summers and winters. With the nutritious soil we plan to start a farm and sell our crops for money.
  • Successful Farm

    Successful Farm
    It's been a happy year on the farm and are just getting back into the planting season. So far we have a successful farm raising a variety of vegetables and cattle. Our every so helpful cowhand Mark has really helped us fit in with Americans and the culture while still keeping our own. A good deal of our money has come from shipping beef back to the east. We are so happy and so far America is everything we’ve hoped for.
  • Shipping Prices High

    Shipping Prices High
    After having a successful farm and content life, we are losing money by the day now. The shipping rates for sending our crops and beef to the east has become way too expensive! We have lost Mark, and survive by the kindness and generosity of our neighbors. We are trying our best to stock up for winter, but are barely surviving the so called plentiful season of summer. I hope we won’t starve!
  • Settling Down

    Settling Down
    The hard times are passed. We have survived the winter and the prices of the crops have gone back up. We are now earning a living by our crops and have hired a new cowhand John. He is fabulous. I am so glad the farm has worked out. Life in America has made me happy through the downs and highs.