Chinese Nationalists oust the last Qing emperor, Puyi
In 1911, the Chinese nationalists, overthrew the last emperor of the Qing dynasty. The chinese nationalists, or the Kuomintang, wanted an end to foreign control, people's rights, and economic security. Sun Yixian became their first great leader. -
World War I begins as Austria declares war of Serbia
Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife were shot in Sarajevo by a member of The Black Hand. The killer was 19 year old serbian. Members of the black hand commited to ridding bosnia of austrian rule.The assasin was serbian, austria wanted war against serbia. Everyone urged austria and russia to negotiate. -
U.S. Enters the war
Germany had a policy called unrestricted submarine warfare that allowed them to sink any ship without warning in the waters around Britain. They sank a British ship, Lusitania, containing 128 US citizens. Germany agreed to stop the policy. However, they returned to it and sank three American ships. After the US intercepted a telegram from Germany to Mexico offering to reconquer lost land in return for their support, the US finally decided to enter the war. -
Armistice signed as Allies defeat Central Powers
After the defeat of the Germans, the Central Powers began to crumble. One by one, they surrendered. In Germany, the soldiers had an uprising, making Kaiser Wilhelm II step down, and Germany declared itself a republic. The Germans met with a French Commander and finally signed an armistice, or an agreement to stop fighting. -
Gandhi leads Indian camapaign of civil disobedience
Gandhi was a man whp made his own clothes, led non-violent protests against the British, aiming for independence from Britain. He organized boycotts against British goods, and demonstrated agianst them. One example is the Salt March, where the Indians walked 240 miles so that they could make their own salt. -
Mustafa Kemal transforms Turkey into Republic
Mustafa Kemal wanted to shape the Turkish republic into a modern nation. He set rules on clothing. He introduced the Western-style suits and banned the fez, which was a traditional Turkish hat. He separated the church and state, granted women the right to vote, and industrialized the country. -
MaoZedong heads Long March
During the Chinese civil war between the Nationalists and the Communists, the Nationalists, led by Jiang Jieshi, surrounded the Communists. Seeing that they were outnumbered, the Communist forces fled. Their jouney was called the Long March. Countless died in the 6,000 mile trek.
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