International Business Machienes Corp. (IBM)

By sanoma
  • The Beginning

    Before IBM was founded this company commenced as Computing-Tabulating-Recoding Corporation, founded by Herman Hollerith in the late 1800s. The first job this company had was to produce and supply the US census with tabulating equipment. With the newfound growth of the company, in 1911 IBM was founded by Thomas J. Watson and Charles Ranlett Flint. However, the name from C-T-R to IBM happened in the 1920s. IMB is to be considered one of the best computer company in the world.
  • Thomas J. Watson

    IN the year of 1914 Thomas J. Watson became the General manager for C-T-R. Soon after Watson was named as the companies president.
  • IBM Named

    This is the year in which C-T-R (Computing-Tabulating-Recording Corporation) was renamed to IBM (International Business Machines Corp).
  • US Government

    The year in which The Social Security Act was passed. The United States Government had used the IBMs punched card equipment in order to produce and preserve employment records for that of the 26 million people living in the United States.
  • Invention

    IBM creates a machine called "Vacuum Tube Multiplier". It was designed in order to generate electronic calculations. This was the first machine to be able to calculate arithmetic electronically.
  • First Computer

    Harvard University and IBM teamed up to build a computer. It was called Mark 1 and was the first attempt
    by IBM to build a computer.
  • 1952-1954

    IBM 701 was produced in the year of 1952. In 1953, IBM had created the IBM 702 and a new electronic computer called IBM 650 which was a "Magnetic Drum Calculator".
  • Computer

    Stopped operations with the vacuum tube and instead created the what is called "the 608 transistor calculator".
  • Sold

    IBM created a new system called the "IBM 1401 data processing system". This system reached sales of 10,000 units. Also with the year, IBM produced a printer.
  • System 360

    The IBM 360 was created and was the first-ever computer to be designed to house a range of both large and small demands.
  • Invention

    A researcher from IBM, whose name is Richard H. Dennard, had designed the DRAM memory chip.
  • IBM system 370

    This computer system was the first to be able to use virtual memory.
  • Invention

    Created a system in which a person could talk to a computer and receive an answer back (spoken) from the computer. This system was able to identify just about 5,000 words.
  • Invention pt.2

    Invents the "System Network Architecture"
  • Invention pt.3

    Researcher John Cocke invents RISC ( Reduced Instruction Set Computer). This system is designed to improve the speed of a computer.
    Also, IBM PC was prouced for the people at home to use.
  • Award

    Gerd. K Binnig and Heinrich Rohrer won the Nobel Prize in physics and their help in the scanning tunneling microscopy.
  • Award pt.2

    J. Georg Bednorz and K. Alex Mueller win the Nobel Prize for discovering the "high-temperature superconductivity in a new class of materials". Was also in the physics research.
  • Discovery

    The scientists in IBM had discovered how to shift atoms on a metal plane. The process in doing this was called "scanning tunneling microscopy".
  • 106th Anniversary!

  • Resorces

    Bellis, Mary. "Timeline of IBM History." ThoughtCo. 29 Oct 2018.
    "International Business Machines Corporation (IBM)." Computer History Museum. 2019.